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Ms Beaugrand.  Involves oral communication, reading, writing and media literacy  Analyze and evaluate different kinds of texts  Your mark will consist.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms Beaugrand.  Involves oral communication, reading, writing and media literacy  Analyze and evaluate different kinds of texts  Your mark will consist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms Beaugrand

2  Involves oral communication, reading, writing and media literacy  Analyze and evaluate different kinds of texts  Your mark will consist of: ◦ 70% from course work during the semester ◦ 30% from the final exam  Work individually and in groups

3  70% of your final mark is based on course work throughout the semester (quizzes/tests, presentations, dialogues and projects) ◦ To be successful in this class, you must complete and submit all summative assessment assigned  30% of your final mark will be based on the final exam ◦ 20% reading/writing; 10% oral/media literacy

4  You are expected to be in class, on time, everyday. You must arrive, ready to work when the bell rings  You must ask permission if you need to leave the classroom to use the washroom or for any other reason  You are responsible for making up all material missed (including tests) if you are absent. Look at the class website or ask a classmate before class  If you know you will miss a class, let me know before the class so alternate arrangements can be made

5  Under no circumstances are cell phones permitted in this classroom!  iPods and MP3 players may be used only during individual work time and must be turned off during lessons, presentations & tests  If I see any cell phone in class, it will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day  Continued presence of cell phones in class will result in increasingly severe consequences

6  Come to class prepared  Take good notes and keep your binder organized  Participate in discussions & ask questions  Do your homework and study for tests  Do not leave assignments until the last minute  Hand in assignments on time  Come in for extra help if you are having difficulties

7  Updated daily, this site is where you can find materials covered in class, announcements, course information and helpful links  If you miss a class you are responsible to go online and find out what you missed  HOMEWORK: before Monday, visit the website and complete the online Getting to Know You form.  http://beaugrandd/ http://beaugrandd/

8  Units of Study: ◦ debating ◦ persuasive essays ◦ poetry ◦ Shakespeare – comedy! ◦ ISP ◦ media

9  Persuasion – in all areas (speaking, writing, media)  writing and editing  using evidence to support arguments  developing solid arguments  deeper connections between texts and life/world/other texts


11  Together, let’s develop appropriate actions for when there is a lack of respect  Behaviour Contract

12  Every class will begin with 15 minutes of silent reading.  If you have a book you are currently reading, please bring it tomorrow  For those who do not have a book, we will take a quick trip to the library at the beginning of class to find reading materials


14  Linguistic  Bodily-Kinesthetic  Interpersonal  Intrapersonal  Musical  Spatial  Logical-Mathematical

15  A personality trait indicator that tells you what kind of qualities you have and jobs are suited for you  To find your True Colour, rate groups of words according to which ones are the most true for you

16  Go to the corner of your primary colour  As a group, read through the information on your colour and ideal jobs ◦ Do you agree? Do you disagree? ◦ Choose a speaker and give the class a brief summary of your colour

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