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5 Key Concepts of Democracy

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Presentation on theme: "5 Key Concepts of Democracy"— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Key Concepts of Democracy
Basic Principles and underlying foundations of democratic thought

2 What is the Headline?

3 The Headline

4 Rule Of Law Law is supreme
Nobody is above the law, even those who make law Popular sovereignty—all power emanates from the people. 6th period

5 When Can You Not be Arrested in Ohio?
Ohio Revised Code

6 Current Event Korea

7 Fundamental Worth of the Individual
A Person’s worth & dignity must be recognized & respected by others & society at all times.

8 Value in a Democracy? Forbes 400 America Summit County Ohio
Voted: X - 11/04/08 General JAMES, LEBRON Birth Year: N/A (Update) 4157 IDLEBROOK DR AKRON (Update) 2560/1 BATH TWP A (Precinct Map) GHENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH GRANGER RD AKRON OH 5th period start with Forbes

9 Fundamental Worth of the Individual Con’t.
Rights of the few at times must take a back seat to the interests of the many serving the interests of society as a whole

10 Taxes and Laws

11 Equality of All Persons
“All people are created equal” This does not mean an “equality of conditions” physical, economic, etc. Not an equal share of goods Not equal mental or physical abilities

12 Equality of All Persons: Cont
Equal opportunity Equality before the law Substantive Procedural Refer back to Fundamental Worth of Individual

13 Casting Stones 5th and 6th

14 Majority Rule restrained by Minority Rights
Policy & Laws are to be made in accord with the will of the people

15 Majority Rule: Cont. Majority must always recognize the rights of the minority 4th Linda Brown and her Family

16 Necessity of Compromise
Finding the solution which is MOST acceptable with blended views and ideas Compromise is an essential part of the process

17 Examples

18 Individual Freedom “The right to swing my fist ends where the other man’s nose begins”-Oliver Wendell Holmes Liberty (freedom) vs. Authority: authority must never become so strong that it restricts the individual.

19 Individual Freedom

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