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Domestic Politics and Policy 27.3. What Makes a Great President?

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Presentation on theme: "Domestic Politics and Policy 27.3. What Makes a Great President?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Domestic Politics and Policy 27.3

2 What Makes a Great President?

3 Harry S Truman Reconversion –Social & Economic shift from wartime to peacetime –Successes and Trials Taft-Hartley Act –Gov’t intervention with certain strikes

4 Truman’s Fair Deal Truman’s Desires Full Employment Raise the minimum wage Raise unemployment compensation Provide housing assistance How does Congress respond to Truman’s Plans? Plans?

5 Civil Rights Truman’s Desires –Equal Opportunity for all citizens –Anti-Lynching federal law –End Poll Taxes Congress –Opposed –22 nd Amendment Truman Achievements –Ended discrimination for gov’t positions –Desegregated the military

6 Election of 1948 Truman vs Dewey

7 Why did America Like Ike? Talented Diplomat Military experience Easygoing charm

8 “Checkers” Speech Richard Nixon, Eisenhower’s VP –Accused of taking illegal donations Nixon’s defense –Took one gift...a dog, which his daughter named “Checkers”

9 Eisenhower’s Leadership “I am not one of those desk-pounding types that like to stick out his jaw and look like he is bossing the show” “I’ll tell you what leadership is. It’s persuasion—and conciliation—and education—and patience. It’s long, slow tough work. That’s the only kind of leadership I know or believe in—or will practice”

10 Eisenhower’s Leadership Ike’s Policy: “I am no politician…” –Abroad: Strong defender of American interests Endorsed military strategies of nuclear weapons over conventional armies –Home: Restraint in Gov’t actions and spending Brought stability and reassurance during the Cold War

11 Modern Republicanism “Conservative when it comes to money, liberal when it comes to human beings –Favored Big Business –Attempts to balance the budget backfired

12 Technology on the Rise NASA –National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Defense Education Act –Improve Science and Math education in American schools

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