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LibQUAL+ and Library Summit: The Clemson Experience Joe Boykin Dean of Libraries Clemson University JISC/CNI Conference Brighton, England July 8-9, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "LibQUAL+ and Library Summit: The Clemson Experience Joe Boykin Dean of Libraries Clemson University JISC/CNI Conference Brighton, England July 8-9, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 LibQUAL+ and Library Summit: The Clemson Experience Joe Boykin Dean of Libraries Clemson University JISC/CNI Conference Brighton, England July 8-9, 2004

2 Clemson University In Context: Land-grant university for South Carolina 17,000 students (13,500 undergrad and 3,500 graduate) 900 faculty Majority of doctoral programs in sciences and engineering One main library and branch for architecture

3 The Clemson Summit Concept Concept initiated by President Summits are organized around a university function Bring university constituents together to focus on one area

4 The Clemson Summit Concept continued: Library Summit I was the second university summit and was designed to identify major themes for the Libraries in the future. Attendees included: faculty, students, staff, trustees, former president, administrators including President and Provost. We followed Library Summit I with Library Summit II which consisted of the entire library staff.

5 Themes from Library Summit I: Declaration of Independence Move to electronic formats as quickly as possible. Change the nature of the place – make the library facilities more of an academic meeting place rather than a warehouse. Staff Libraries appropriately for new mission. Increase funding for Libraries from all sources.

6 Results from Library Summits I and II: Strategic Plan for 2000-2004 Business Plan for 2000-2004 Included detail tasks and dollar amounts Resulted in the Library being included in the Academic Affairs Road Map Funds for the next four years. Received $1 Million the first Year and $500K each of the next 3 years

7 Improved overall cleanliness of building Dramatically increased Library hours to 24/5 with increased weekend hours Provided 2 scanners for public use, then increased number to 4 Improved access to electronic journal holdings Services added based on Business Plan:

8 Relocated book drops and added drive up drops Addition of proxy server to increase access to electronic resources Improvements to the Libraries web page Increased number of laptops available for checkout Services added based on Business Plan:

9 LIBQUAL+ and Clemson University Libraries First LIBQUAL+ followed Library Summits I and II Used LIBQUAL+ results to determine if the choices we made from the summits were correct. We determined that the LIBQUAL+ results validated the themes and detailed objectives resulting from the summits.

10 The Greenville News found Summit I original enough to put on their front page

11 2003 LIBQUAL+ Results Received our 3 rd LIBQUAL+ Results Paid close attention to the results of questions where either the perceived level was below minimum levels Also paid attention to the results of questions which were above minimum but were showing a declining number.

12 Disconfirming Expectancy Increased credibility by providing negative information. We wanted help from faculty and students to understand the 2003 LIBQUAL+ results. Because of success of Library Summit I and II decided to have Library Summit III.

13 Summit Planning: Planning Committee Determined date and location (university conference center) Determined schedule (3:00PM – 7:00PM) Determined meal Set Agenda Recommended participants (by group) 60 total Organized discussion topics Prepared and sent formal invitations

14 Summit Goals: Verify improvements since 2000 summits Use ideas generated to extend existing Strategic and Business Plans Use ideas generated to allocate 2003-2004 Road Map Funding

15 Summit Process: Organized around three LIBQUAL+ areas: Information control, affect of service, Library as Place Had two tables of 10 participants per topic At half way point had participants change tables. Table leaders where library staff who also recorded ideas. Each table was asked to come up with 9 ideas plus one off the wall suggestion.

16 Summit Process: Provided the participants with the 2003 Libqual results. Had a smaller results document that highlighted the areas which were below minimum levels and asked them to concentrate on these areas for their suggestions for improvement. We also provided them with a brief explanation of the Libqual charts and tables.

17 What Happened: Providing negative information from LIBQUAL+ results was very positive. University supports and rewards honest examination of opportunities to improve. A real assessment culture at Clemson which looks to close the loop.

18 What Happened: Seeing a problem patron become actively interested in helping to solve problems rather than complaining. While there were a number of expensive suggestions, many of the ideas were possible to accomplish with available funds.


20 Employee nametags identify everyone who can provide service

21 Library Town Meetings: Critical to success of Summit Had 3 Town Meetings with Library Staff Staff added ideas and enhanced many of those suggested at the Summit.

22 Benefits of a Summit Library plans based on LibQual+ survey results and Summit discussions provide good structure for showcasing positive outcomes in assessment. Participants tend to take ownership of their ideas An organization that makes its weaknesses public and asks for advice gains positive regard. Input from Summit participants provides richer and more detailed data.

23 What we learned: Have less library staff, more users Shorten second session somewhat Provide more training to table leaders Schedule so President and Provost can participate.

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