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Foundations of Prophets and Apostles

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1 Foundations of Prophets and Apostles
Ephesians 2:19-22 Read the passages.

2 Comparison Between Church and Temple
As Christians, we are not only in the temple. We are the building itself. The church is built upon the foundation of the prophets and apostles. In the OT, God used “types and shadows” of things that would come under the gospel of Christ. The temple built in the days of Solomon was a place of praise and worship to God. That building was built according to a pattern, and when it was completed according to God’s design, He symbolically took up residence in that temple (1 Kings 8:10). Today, the Christian is the temple—God’s dwelling place (1 Cor.3:16). The foundation of that temple—the church--was laid first by the prophets, then the apostles.

3 The Foundation Christ 1 Corinthians 3:11
The Church/Temple The foundation of God’s spiritual kingdom (the church) is Jesus Christ. No man can better that foundation. Any spiritual building or organization built on any other foundation is doomed to fail and will not be pleasing to God. Christ 1 Corinthians 3:11 “For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

4 Jesus Christ, The Son of God
1 Cor. 3:11 For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Eph. 2:20 Having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Contradiction? Foundation: Jesus Christ, The Son of God How do we reconcile these two passages? One sure way would be if the foundation of Ephesians 2:20 is the same one “laid by Jesus Christ” in 1 Cor.3:11. Let us work through this and see if this is the case…

5 Harmonizing the Passages
Matthew 16:18—built upon the fact that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 Corinthians 3:11—built upon Christ. Ephesians 2:20—not built upon the men themselves; built upon the truth they preached! While Jesus was here on earth, he discussed the subject of His person with His disciples. He asked them—”who do men say I am”? There were differing answers. Who did they believe He was? Peter confessed “Thou Art the Son of the Living God.” Upon that FACT, Jesus promised to build His church, and the gates of Hades (death) would not prevent it. Paul, in his letter to the church at Corinth, pointed out to brethren who were behaving carnal-mindedly and following men, that it would be profitable to build upon only ONE foundation. That foundation was Jesus Christ—the message preached in Ephesians 2:20. What then is the conclusion? The true foundation of the church is JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF GOD. Perfect harmony and no contradiction. The foundation Is Jesus Christ the Son of God!

6 Apostles and Prophets Apostles—the twelve Prophets—NT prophets
Apostles are mentioned first. A foundation for the Jews and Gentiles fits NT prophets better. Ephesians 3:5; 4:8-11—prophets refer to NT prophets. The apostles were the 12 who were appointed by Christ Himself (Matt.10:1ff). He instructed them to go into all the world to preach the gospel (Matt.28:18-20; Mk.16:15,16). The “prophets” were those inspired by God to deliver the good news of the gospel (Eph.3:5; 4:8-11). OT prophets were never privileged to fully understand God’s plan for laying “the foundation” of His kingdom. Yes, they saw it in preview, but were never able to be members of that kingdom—the church. Were NT prophets speakers from God as much as those in the OT? (2 Pet.1:19-21; 1 Pet.1:6-12; Rom.12:6). What was their message? The truth of the person of Jesus Christ—He is the Christ, the Messiah—the Son of God and God the Son!


8 The Fact: Jesus is the Son of God
His claims John 5:17-19 John 9:35-37 John 10:36 John 19:7 Let us prove our FACT—Jesus is the Son of God. Our proof is the claims He made while He was here. Claims mean nothing unless they can be substantiated. Discuss each passage…

9 The Fact: Jesus is the Son of God
Evidence Miracles—John 5:36; 20:30,31 Testimony of the Father— Matthew 3:16; 17:5; John 5:37 Testimony of John— John 1:6,14,15,24, 33,34 OT Scriptures— John 5:39; Acts 10:43 Resurrection—Romans 1:4 His claims must be sustained by evidence. What does the “evidence” show? Miracles—Jno.5:36; 20:30,31. Could men disprove the miracles? Walking on water, calming the winds and waves, giving sight to the blind, raising the dead. What about the testimony of His Father in heaven? (Matt.3:16; 17:5; Jno.5:37) Can it be so easily disregarded? Who else saw such evidence? What about the testimony of the apostle John? His close friend wrote His gospel to sustain His claim of Deity! Jesus even told those who still did not believe to search OT scriptures (Jno.5:39). His resurrection declared Him to be the Son of God with POWER (Rom.1:4).


11 The Foundation: Jesus Christ
Importance of a foundation It is the building’s beginning point. It supports the entire structure. If the foundation is weak, the entire building is in danger. If the foundation is wrong, the building cannot be right! How important is the foundation to the rest of the building? The foundation begins the building. That foundation must support the whole building. What if the foundation is weak or built on a weak spot? The whole building is in danger of being lost! If the foundation is wrong, the building placed upon it cannot be right! If Jesus Christ is the foundation, how much stronger could this foundation of this spiritual building be?

12 The Foundation: Jesus Christ
A foundation’s importance. Built upon the principle of who Jesus is. Who is this one called Jesus? When we understand WHO He is, we will see the great strength and importance of this particular foundation.

13 On THIS Rock, I will build.
Question Men say Peter: Son of God On THIS Rock, I will build. Matthew 16:13-18 Read and explain Matthew 16:13-18


15 The Foundation: Jesus Christ
If built on any other foundation, it’s not God’s building. Not a foundation of Christ + ___________; only Christ. Foundation is Divine. Foundation is not a human or wisdom of men. If one builds on any other foundation, the building does not belong; nor will it be recognized as one of God’s buildings (Eph.4:4-6) If this foundation is mixed with another, its strength will be weakened (1 Cor.3:11). This foundation is divine because it is God’s Son (Jno.1:1-3). This foundation did find its origin in the mind of men (1 Cor.1:18-21).

16 Proclaimed by Apostles and Prophets
Acts 2:22-36—Preached Christ Acts 3:13-24—Preached Christ Acts 4:1ff—Questioned for preaching Acts 8:35—Preached Jesus Acts 10:34-48—Preached Christ Acts 13:16-41—Preached Christ Acts 17:22-31—Preached Christ Discuss each passage and show the consistency of the message preached was JESUS CHRIST!!! Do You See a Pattern?


18 The Force: Its Meaning to Us
We have a solid foundation. Our foundation does not move, shift, or change. Every evidence of the Deity of Christ—tells us of the strength of the foundation and Church. What does all this mean to us? 1. We have a solid foundation. No need to worry about its stability and security. (2 Tim.1:12) 2. This foundation will never move, shift, or change. It is immoveable (Heb.12:28) 3. Every evidence that we have examined and know of tells us this foundation can never be destroyed (1 Cor.15:24-26).

19 The Force: Its Meaning to Us
We are measured and built according to the foundation. United and held together by our connection to the cornerstone. Suggests a fixed pattern and standard of doctrine and practice. 4. We are measured and built according to the foundation (1 Cor.12:1-26). 5. We are united and held together by the chief cornerstone—Jesus Christ (Acts 4:11,12). 6. Suggest we have a fixed pattern and standard to abide by (Col.3:17; 1 Pet.4:11).

20 Foundation of Apostles and Prophets
The Fact: Jesus is the Son of God The Foundation: Jesus Christ The Force: Its Meaning to Us Summary. Show how we can be sure that we are standing on firm and unwavering ground—THE ROCK FOUNDATION OF JESUS CHRIST!

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