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OAI and Publishers metadata Using the static repositories approach to disclose small journals.

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Presentation on theme: "OAI and Publishers metadata Using the static repositories approach to disclose small journals."— Presentation transcript:

1 OAI and Publishers metadata Using the static repositories approach to disclose small journals

2 Overview The Challenge One answer: the OAI protocol OAI Static Repositories The STARGATE project Project Findings Community Implications STARGATE plus

3 The Challenge How to make information about journal articles available so that: the information can be incorporated into existing and emerging search services the identity of the journal is preserved i.e. entire issues or runs can be discovered a link to the published version is part of the discovery service

4 One answer: the OAI protocol Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting ( provides a technological framework and standards […] independent of the both the type of content offered and the economic mechanisms surrounding that content is used to support the harvesting of metadata records and support flexible resource discovery services Project at Heriot Watt under the first PALS programme demonstrated the use of OAI repositories in conjunction with Inderscience

5 OAI Static Repositories A possible difficulty An OAI-PMH compliant repository involves setting up Web servers and writing CGI scripts ( Linda Kerr, Jim Corlett, Santy Chumbe (2003) Case Study for the creation of an OAI repository in a small/medium sized publishers ) The static repository solution a text file with the appropriate xml structure on an accessible web space The limits of the approach About 5000 records per repository A static repository gateway required at another point in the system

6 STARGATE Stargate: (Static Repository Gateway and Toolkit) Aim: To investigate the usefulness of static repositories for small journal publishers Information Scotland Information Research Journal of Digital Information Library and Information Research Delivered tools to support the use of static repositories, including cases studies of the four journals and a demonstration software tool (


8 Project Findings Demonstrated the use of static repositories as a way of allowing simpler participation in OAI-PMH-based services Showed that using a simple Access database allowed novices to create and update static repositories without needing to create the xml by hand the metadata provided to be monitored for consistency

9 Project Findings (2) Feedback suggests that static repositories are a good solution for publishers (and others): who dont want to run their own repository who want to participate without deploying another repository who need their information updated less than daily The consistency of the structured information that users create is always an issue.

10 Community Implications There is need for Gateway provision Someone has to provide a static repository gateway Metadata consistency The community-wide use of a more detailed metadata scheme (such as the Scholarly Communication Application Profile of Dublin Core) could greatly improve the resource discovery services available to users

11 STARGATE plus Stargate received a brief extension to Document the process of setting up a static repository gateway Examine the community requirements to set up and run a static repository gateway Examine branding possibilities (and applicability of collection-level description for repository description)

12 Gateway Branding (from this)

13 Gateway Branding (to this)

14 Thank you For more information please see: Or contact: R. John Robertson STARGATE Project Manager Centre for Digital Library Research University of Strathclyde, 0141 548 5854

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