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U2L1 Reading Getting Sick on a Package Tour Changxing Middle School Tracy Wang.

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1 U2L1 Reading Getting Sick on a Package Tour Changxing Middle School Tracy Wang

2 English proverbs An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. If you lack health, you lack everything. 一日一苹果,医生远离我。 早睡早起使人健康、富裕和聪明。 没有健康就等于没有一切。

3 Look and guess 1. where is the boy? 2. why is he here? 3. what’s wrong with him? 4. what may the passage about?

4 Task 1: listen to the whole passage and tell whether the statements are true or false. ( ) 1. Last Sunday, Bob took a package tour to Beijing. ( ) 2. He stayed in a hotel far from the city centre. ( ) 3. He fell ill during the trip. ( ) 4. He couldn’t go sightseeing with his tour group. ( ) 5. The doctor thought Bob was seriously ill. ( ) 6. Bob had to take both Chinese and Western medicine. F Saturday F in T T F wasn’t F only

5 Task2: read para.1 and answer the questions Where did Bob go last Saturday? What kind of hotel did Bob stay? What did they visit? What’s the matter with Bob? He went to Beijing. He stayed at a four-star hotel. They visited some places of historical interest. He fell ill.

6 What did he do then?

7 Task 3: complete the doctor ’ s record according to para.2 ---para.5 Doctor’s Record 医生的记录 Patient’s name: Bob Temperature: __________ Symptoms( 症状): a__________ a ________ Illness( 疾病): a __________ Medicine: ________ medicine Advice: take _____ ______ _______ drink _____ ______ _________ 38.5 ℃ headache cough cold Chinese agood rest plentyof water

8 Task 4: make up a dialogue according to the pictures and act it out.

9 Task 5: read the last paragraph and then answer the questions 1. Did Bob take the doctor’s advice? 2. What did he do? 3. What did he think of Chinese medicine? 4. Could he go on with the tour? Yes, he did. He stayed in bed for two days. He thought it was wonderful. Yes, he could.

10 Task 6: complete Bob ’ s diary( 日记) Last week, I went on a package tour to Beijing. But on Monday, I fell ____. I was too______ to go ____________ because I got a _________ and__________ all night long. So I went to the _______. The doctor _______ my temperature and __________me carefully. He told me to take some _______ medicine, take a ______ _____ and ______ plenty of ______. I stayed in ______ for _______ days. On Wednesday, I felt a lot ______, so I ______ the tour group again. Mar.24,2015 ill weak sightseeing headache coughed doctortook examined Chinese good rest drink waterbed two better joined

11 Task 7: Bob has come back home from Beijing. You go to his home to visit him. Make up a dialogue and act it out in pairs. You: How was your trip? Bob: it’s … but I had a … there. You: Really? I’m so sorry to hear that. Bob: So I went to … You: What did the doctor do? Bob: She …carefully, and took… You: What did the doctor advise you to do? Bob: She advised me to… You: What did you do then? Bob: I took…. and stayed… You: Did you go on with your trip then? Bob: Yes, I joined… take one’s temperature get a fever get a cold take some Chinese medicine take a good rest drink plenty of water join the tour group again

12 Homework Suppose you are Bob, write a postcard to your parents about your experience in Beijing.

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