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The Effective Management of Juvenile Sex Offenders in the Community Section 1: Introduction.

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1 The Effective Management of Juvenile Sex Offenders in the Community Section 1: Introduction

2 Section 12 Key Points For the purposes of this curriculum, the youth we will be discussing in this curriculum: Are adolescents, generally between the ages of 12 and 17. We will not address the special population of young children with sexual behavior problems. Are male. Although we know that females engage in sexually abusive behavior, the majority of juvenile sex offenders appear to be male, and as such we will generally limit our remarks to issues related to the adolescent male sex offender. Are adjudicated youth. The information we will be presenting is designed for youth who have been referred to and adjudicated by the juvenile courts.

3 Section 13 Goals of the Curriculum The goals of this training are to help you to understand: What is meant by a “comprehensive approach” to managing juvenile sex offenders in the community; What is known about the incidence and prevalence of sexual offending by juveniles; The key differences between adult and juvenile sex offenders and the implications those differences have on how to most effectively manage these youth; The ways in which specialized – and developmentally appropriate – assessments can enhance and inform decisionmaking throughout the system;

4 Section 14 Goals of the Curriculum (Continued) Promising approaches to treatment for juvenile sex offenders, and how they differ from treatment for adults; The goals and elements of a success-focused strategy for supervising juvenile sex offenders in the community; Specific ways in which professionals can facilitate successful community reintegration and stability of these youth in the community; and The potential implications of various legislative responses originally designed for adult sex offenders that have in some cases been applied to youth.

5 Section 15 Overview of the Curriculum The curriculum is centered around eight topic areas: Introduction Overview Assessment Supervision Treatment Reentry The Legal and Legislative Response Summary

6 Section 16 Defining the Comprehensive Approach to Sex Offender Management The Comprehensive Approach is designed to answer three primary questions: 1.Starting from the moment that a disclosure of juvenile-perpetrated sexual abuse is made or a victim is identified, what are the critical activities and processes–or key components– that are necessary to facilitate juvenile sex offender management effectively? 2.Who are the various stakeholders that must be involved? 3.How should professionals approach their work? In other words, what are the key tenets or principles that underlie what they do?

7 Defining the Comprehensive Approach to Sex Offender Management (Continued) ReentryTreatmentAssessment Investigation, Adjudication, and Disposition Community Notification RegistrationSupervision Fundamental Principles 1.Victim-Centered Approach 2.Specialized Knowledge/Training 3.Public Education 4.Monitoring and Evaluation 5.Collaboration

8 Section 18 Fundamental Principles of the Comprehensive Approach Victim-Centeredness Specialized Knowledge Public Education Monitoring and Evaluation Collaboration

9 Defining the Comprehensive Approach to Sex Offender Management ReentryTreatmentAssessment Investigation, Adjudication, and Disposition Community Notification RegistrationSupervision Fundamental Principles 1.Victim-Centered Approach 2.Specialized Knowledge/Training 3.Public Education 4.Monitoring and Evaluation 5.Collaboration

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