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MY BIOGRAPHY AND FUTURE Hello, my name is M arta Machado Carratala and I will tell you a little of my life.

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Presentation on theme: "MY BIOGRAPHY AND FUTURE Hello, my name is M arta Machado Carratala and I will tell you a little of my life."— Presentation transcript:

1 MY BIOGRAPHY AND FUTURE Hello, my name is M arta Machado Carratala and I will tell you a little of my life.

2 I was born in the hospital October 9th (Valencia),on 6th of May, 1996. I t was a programmed child birth and I was born by a cesarean.

3 Since I was born, I live in Torrent. After my first steps, I liked bikeriding, running, being with my friends from school, doing the homework, watching Disney movies, etc.

4 These are some photos from my Childhood


6 From smal land so far, I like las fallas: The parades, monuments, mascletás, chocolatás, despertás, the firework displays and parades and festivals. Since I was little, I liked to dress as a Fallera and I have met many friends who they were falleros too.

7 At two years, I went to the kindergarden (Gent Menuda) and I spent mos tofthe time playing. There, I made many friends and celebrated my birthday witht hem in class.

8 My parents are called Ximoand Carmen and I haven’t brothers They are divorced and now I live with my mother, but I alternate weekends with my father. The truth isthat I have a very good relationship with both.

9 After 3 years I went to Teresianas (Santa Teresa de Jesús) and there I have spent 14 years of my life. I studied the following steps: -Preeschool 3 years (where I learned to read and write) -6 years in Primary Education -ESO, where I studied 4 years. My favorite wasLucia preeschool teacher, of Primary Educatio nwas Margarita, and the ESO had a teacher for every chsubject, and I did not have any one special to highlight.

10 In 4th ofthe ESO, my class won a firstprizefor best Clipmetraje (2013) of ``Manos Unidas’’aboutt he `poverty’’ andwe had totravel to Madrid and many other schools were selected too.

11 During all theyears in school, we made trips to different places. With my family I have been to some cities in Spain and when I was younger I have spent some holidays in Ibiza.

12 My teenager is being nice, but I want to grow up.I want to be independent and taking my own decisions. In Teresianas, I met a friend who is my best friend now and she is a really special person for me. Sheis Ana Hernández.

13 F rom my childhood, I would not change any thing because I have been a happy girl without responsabilities. I n recentyears, I would change attitudes I have tostudy

14 My inmediate interestis are; passing this year course and this summer I would like to work and improving my English. The next year, I would study Art School, because I would have a degree in Industrial Design. I also would like to study Child Ed., but I prefer decoration and fashion. I would love to become a professional designer.

15 OTHER THINGS ABOUT ME… I like singing,dancing funky hip-hop and listening to music in my spare time, go jogging,going out with my friend some weekends, go shopping and fashion bloggs and on tv, I also love motorbikes, because my family works in the world of bikes and I follow moto GP racing.

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