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Overview of the Aflatoxin Challenge (i.e. Aflatoxin 101) Abt Associates, Inc. December 3, 2012.

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1 Overview of the Aflatoxin Challenge (i.e. Aflatoxin 101) Abt Associates, Inc. December 3, 2012

2 Abt Associates | pg 2 Aflatoxin is a secondary metabolite from two Aspergillus strains

3 Abt Associates | pg 3 Contamination is worse during dry periods. During droughts the zone containing contaminated crops enlarges. 35°N 35°S Zone with Perennial Contamination Risk Aflatoxin contamination is a perennial concern in warm climates Source: Peter J. Cotty, USDA/ARS

4 Abt Associates | pg 4  Cereals: maize, wheat, barley, sorghum, rice  Oilseeds: peanuts, cotton seed, other nuts  Some spices  Some vegetables Aflatoxin affects many crops CIMMYT, 1997

5 Abt Associates | pg 5 Phase I: Before Maturity  Developing crops become infected  Associated with crop damage (insect, bird, stress).  Crop may exhibit BGYF (bright- green-yellow fluorescence).  Favored by high temperature (night) and dry conditions. Phase II: After Maturity ¬ Level increases in mature crop. ¬ May occur before or after harvest. ¬ Seed is vulnerable ‘til consumed. ¬ Associated with high humidity in the field, improper crop storage or transportation. ¬ Rain on the mature crop increases contamination. Aflatoxin Contamination of Crops Occurs in Two Phases Source: Peter J. Cotty, USDA/ARS

6 Abt Associates | pg 6 = less than 2,500 ppb = infected and no toxin = 2,500 to 15,000 ppb = over 15,000 ppb Lee, et al., 1980. Cereal Chemistry 57:340-343. Aflatoxin prevalence can vary even within a single ear of corn Source: Peter J. Cotty, USDA/ARS

7 Abt Associates | pg 7 Aflatoxins are a significant health problem in developing countries  AFT exposure causes a significant health burden in Africa and East Asia especially  A number of health effects can occur, that are often interacting with other disease factors (e.g. infection, malnutrition)  Outbreaks of acute aflatoxicosis have been reported in some countries, with documented fatalities in Kenya  25,200-155,000 aflatoxin-induced liver cancer cases globally each year, of which 40% are estimated to be within Africa  Aflatoxin is believed to have synergistic interactions with Hepatitis B  Immunosuppression may mean raise susceptibility to Tuberculosis, Malaria, perhaps other or communicable disease  Childhood stunting is suspected

8 Abt Associates | pg 8

9 Abt Associates | pg 9 AflatoxinMarket 20 ppb ≥ Detoxification 500 ppb>Blender 300 ppb>Beef feedlot 200 ppb>Feed producer 100 ppb>Feed Markets 20 ppb> Human Food; Feed 15 ppb>Corn Flour Mill 10 ppb>Corn Processor 1 ppb>Nuts for Export 0.5 ppb>Discounted Milk 0.3 ppb>Full Value Milk US FDA Action Level Permitted Use (Examples) 500 ppbMiddleman (Blender) 300 ppbFinishing Beef 200 ppbFinishing Swine 100 ppb Breeding beef and swine; mature poultry 20 ppbHuman Food, Feed 0.5 ppb (M 1 )Milk Ideally uses can be found/permitted for differfent levels of contamination

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