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Canterbury Development Corporation Workforce Development.

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1 Canterbury Development Corporation Workforce Development

2 Skills “A well educated and skilled and adaptable workforce is an essential ingredient in producing a successful economy in the 21 st century. We must also ensure that the specific skills which are needed in our potentially world class sectors are available in NZ. Skill shortages can be a major barrier to firms expanding.”

3 Difficulty of Funding Staff Source: New Zealand Institute of Economic Research

4 Labour as a Main Constraint on Expansion Source: New Zealand Institute of Economic Research

5 Demand Side Employer Expectations including pre - employment qualifications and tacit skills SME’s ability to attract and recruit employees Information Flows between Industry/ Employers and training/education providers and their intermediary agencies (employment agencies) Understanding current and future labour demand especially for sectors struggling either because of conditions or growth Research: Mismatch (Professor Paul Spoonley, Project Leader - LMDRP)

6 Local Issues that Impact (Employer Research) Increasing numbers educated without being responsive to employers or aggregate regional labour market demand – misalignment Concern about appropriateness of current training and education Concern about generic/tacit skills of job seekers including ability to communicate, safety and health, work ethic, computer literacy, personal attributes such as tidy appearance

7 Environment Low unemployment – 3.6% NZ, 3.1% Canterbury Skill shortages Emergence of semi skilled labour shortages Initiatives tend to focus on supply side issues Demographic changes – (Aging pop, ethnicity & baby blip) Youth Transition issues Lack of Demand side measures Lack of robust Labour Market Information Mismatch of capability to opportunity

8 Canterbury Development Corporation As an EDA our unique point of difference is the combination of both Economic Development and Employment Services. Economic Development, Research Science and Technology and Employment Development

9 Economic Development Demand Side Initiatives Economic Development Business ServicesResearch Science & TechnologyClusters MentoringBIZ ProgrammeBusiness Start Up HITLabUltralab South SoftwareNutraceuticalsCreativeEducationElectronicsFashion/ Outdoor Apparel

10 Employment Development Supply Side Initiatives Employment Development Actionworks Youth Works RAPUOutside the Square Work Projects Workforce Development

11 …is based upon the idea that an accurate understanding of the local labour market, shortages, gaps and recruitment difficulties, and effective strategies to fill these gaps, will be the basis of strong future economic and job growth.

12 Workforce Development 3 Key Areas: 1. Labour Market Information and Demographics 2. Skills and Training Aligned with Industry Requirements 3. Workforce Aligned with Regional Development Strategy

13 Regional Labour Market Information Employment Snapshot Canterbury Job Vacancy Monitor Sector Skills Analysis Apprenticeship Campaign

14 Pilot Sector Skills Analysis Employment change, 2000-2004 ( Source: Statistics NZ Business Demography Statistics) 200020042000-2004 % change Canterbury construction sector 8,50012,66048.9% All Canterbury Industries 188,240221,85017.9% Total construction - New Zealand 68,18092,80036.1%

15 Apprenticeships Poor perception of Apprenticeships Complexity of information Anecdotal examples in the local community Parental influence on career choice Graduation ceremony’s Marketing and Communication

16 The Apprenticeship Campaign Promoting the benefits of apprenticeship Providing easy-to-access information about apprenticeships for young people, their families, employers, schools and the wider community Increasing the uptake of apprenticeships

17 The Apprenticeship Campaign Promotion and Marketing Contact person in region – phone or email Simplification of pathways to generic information FAQ Referrals to ITO’s, Industry reps and Training providers Bomb the Malls, Schools and Community Centres

18 The Apprenticeship Campaign Where to from here? Contact us as to how you would like to interface with this campaign – linkages, ideas, meshing of initiatives, timing and support …..

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