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Dynamic Planet (B & C) Earth’s Fresh Waters

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic Planet (B & C) Earth’s Fresh Waters"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic Planet (B & C) Earth’s Fresh Waters
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Dynamic Planet (B & C) Earth’s Fresh Waters Gary Vorwald NYS Division B & C 2012 Rock & Mineral Supervisor Paul J. Gelinas JHS Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

2 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Event Description Participants will use process skills to complete tasks related to Earth’s fresh waters A team of up to 2 Approximate time: 40 – 50 Minutes Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

3 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Event Parameters Participants may bring one four (4) 8.5 x 11” double-sided pages of notes Information can be in any form and from any source Each team may bring two (2) non-graphing calculators Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

4 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
The Competition Participants will be presented with one or more tasks, many requiring the use of process skills Scope of event includes Rivers and Streams, Lakes, and Ground Water Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

5 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Topics Fresh Water Features on USGS topographic maps Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

6 Stream Drainage Systems: Stream Order (new 2012)
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Stream Drainage Systems: Stream Order (new 2012) Stream order is a measure of the relative size of streams. Stream sizes range from the smallest, first-order, to the largest, the twelfth-order (the Amazon River). Over 80% of the total length of Earth's rivers and streams are headwater streams (first- and second-order). As water travels from headwater streams toward the mouth of mighty rivers, streams gradually increase their width and depth. Discharge also increases. Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

7 Stream Drainage Patterns
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Stream Drainage Patterns Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

8 Parts of a River (Main channel, tributaries)
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Parts of a River (Main channel, tributaries) Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

9 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Watersheds Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

10 Channel Types: braided, meandering, straight
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Channel Types: braided, meandering, straight Straight Channel Braided River Meandering Channel Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

11 Calculations of Sinuosity (new 2012)
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Calculations of Sinuosity (new 2012) Calculating Sinuosity Sinuosity (P) is calculated as the ratio of the channel length (lc) to the distance of the valley (lv): P = lc / lv  To measure channel length, use a piece of string to measure the length of the channel, being sure to include all bends of the channel. Then use the string to measure the length of the valley, using the contour lines on the map to make sure you stay within the valley. Calculate sinuosity by dividing channel length by valley length measured on the map. Stream Characteristics Lab Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

12 Sediment: Transportation
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Sediment: Transportation Stream Load Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

13 Sediment: forms and sizes
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Sediment: forms and sizes Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

14 Sediment: Deposition & Erosion
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Sediment: Deposition & Erosion Factors: size, shape, density Stream velocity decreases Inside Meander Delta’s and Alluvial Fans Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

15 Particle Diameter & Stream Velocity
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Particle Diameter & Stream Velocity Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

16 Factors that Affect Rate of Deposition
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Factors that Affect Rate of Deposition Water Velocity – as velocity increases, settling rate decreases Size – as size increases, settling rate increases Shape – as particle becomes more spherical, rate increases Density – as density increases, rate increases Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

17 Horizontal & Vertical Sorting
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Horizontal & Vertical Sorting Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

18 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Floodplain Features Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

19 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

20 River Valley Forms & Processes
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters River Valley Forms & Processes Geology Gradient Base Level Dynamic Equilibrium Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

21 Waterfalls & Nick points
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Waterfalls & Nick points Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

22 Stream Capture (Piracy)
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Stream Capture (Piracy) The stream on the right has a steeper gradient than the stream on the left. At the red arrow, headward erosion is wearing into the divide separating the left stream system from the right stream system. Eventually, this stream may cut through the divide and "capture" the headwaters, diverting them into the stream system on the right. STREAM PIRACY has occurred. Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

23 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Delta’s & Fans Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

24 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Alluvial Fans Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

25 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Mississippi Delta Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

26 Stream Flow & Discharge
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Stream Flow & Discharge Stream Gauge Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

27 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Perennial vs Intermittent Stream Flow Stream Flow Calculations Recurrence Intervals – probability of event occurring, such as 100 year flood Chezy Equation (for flow velocity) and Manning co-efficient (Div C) Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

28 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Groundwater Aquifers Water Table & Groundwater Zones Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

29 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Interactions between surface and groundwater Confining beds Hydraulic Gradient Recharge/Discharge Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

30 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Water Table Contours and flow lines Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

31 Porosity & Permeability
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Porosity & Permeability Porosity – percent pore space in an aquifer Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

32 Permeability – ability of a material (aquifer) to transmit fluids
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Permeability – ability of a material (aquifer) to transmit fluids Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

33 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Aquifers Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

34 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Capillarity Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

35 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Karst features Sinkholes, caves, disappearing streams, springs, solution valleys Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

36 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Lake Formation & Types Volcanic Lake (Crater Lake) Rift Valley Lakes Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

37 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Types of Lakes (cont) Glacial Lakes: finger lakes, Great Lakes, cirque lakes (tarn); kettle lakes; moraine dammed lakes Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

38 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Great Lakes Kettle Lake Tarn Finger Lakes: Moraine dammed lakes Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

39 Earthquake Lake – landslide from earthquake dammed river
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Earthquake Lake – landslide from earthquake dammed river Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

40 Lake Features: Inflow & Outflow
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Lake Features: Inflow & Outflow Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

41 Lake Features: Stratification
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Lake Features: Stratification Lake stratification is the separation of lakes into three layers: Epilimnion - top of the lake. Metalimnion (or thermocline) - middle layer that may change depth throughout the day. Hypolimnion - the bottom layer. The thermal stratification of lakes refers to a change in the temperature at different depths in the lake, and is due to the change in water's density with temperature. Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

42 Physical & Chemical Properties of Lakes
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Physical & Chemical Properties of Lakes Physical Variations Light Levels Temperature Currents Water Clarity (Turbidity) Chemical Variations Dissolved Oxygen Nutrients Nitrogen Phosphorous pH Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

43 Lake Features: Waves & Shorelines
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Lake Features: Waves & Shorelines Lake Michigan Waves Lake Shoreline Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

44 Wetlands: bogs & marshes
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Wetlands: bogs & marshes Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

45 Destruction/Effects of Land Use
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Destruction/Effects of Land Use Dams Levees Effects: sedimentation, down-cutting, diversion of water, flooding, ecological changes Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

46 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Hydrologic Cycle Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

47 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Water Budgets Precipitation Runoff Evaporation Storage Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

48 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Water Budget Graphs Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

49 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Pollution Types, sources, transport Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

50 Coaching Tips: Selecting Participants
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Coaching Tips: Selecting Participants Choose team members from different grade levels to avoid having to train a completely new team the following year. Team members can divide up the concepts and become experts on them. Both should collaborate on developing a notebook and notes sheets Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

51 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Resources Science Olympiad Store Biology/Earth Science CD Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

52 Recommended Resource for Division C (Companion Website)
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters Recommended Resource for Division C (Companion Website) Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

53 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Web Resources Science Olympiad Student Center – practice exams & wiki New York State Website – Event Resources National Science Olympiad – links to websites: Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

54 Dynamic Planet 2012 - Earth's Fresh Waters
Web Resources USGS Water Science For Schools Lake Water Quality Indicators Wetlands, Bogs, Marshes Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

55 EARTH’S FRESH WATERS: Helpful Websites by Topic
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters EARTH’S FRESH WATERS: Helpful Websites by Topic Stream drainage systems: Hydrologic Cycle: Lotic ecosystems: Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

56 EARTH’S FRESH WATERS: Helpful Websites by Topic
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters EARTH’S FRESH WATERS: Helpful Websites by Topic Basics of Stream Ecology: Earth's Water – Groundwater topics: Lake Formation: Manning’s Equation Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

57 EARTH’S FRESH WATERS: Helpful Websites by Topic
Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters EARTH’S FRESH WATERS: Helpful Websites by Topic Lake formation Water budget Drainage patterns Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

Dynamic Planet Earth's Fresh Waters EARTH’S FRESH WATERS: Websites Meandering rivers: lots of diagrams and activities (Outstanding/PDF) Stream Order: Sinuosity: Stream Characteristics Lab – students use Google Earth to determine stream sinuosity and compare to gradient. Stream Processes: Gary Vorwald, P. J. Gelinas JHS

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