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Science Today (12/1): 1.Mountains & Volcanoes vocab. Pre- quiz 2.Distribute Q2 progress reports 3.Construct Mountains & Volcanoes unit vocab. organizer.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Today (12/1): 1.Mountains & Volcanoes vocab. Pre- quiz 2.Distribute Q2 progress reports 3.Construct Mountains & Volcanoes unit vocab. organizer."— Presentation transcript:


2 Science Today (12/1): 1.Mountains & Volcanoes vocab. Pre- quiz 2.Distribute Q2 progress reports 3.Construct Mountains & Volcanoes unit vocab. organizer


4 Important Dates: Tues. 12/1: EQ Review Session (after school 3:15-3:45) * You must attend the review session to retake the test!!! Thurs. 12/3: EQ Test retakes (after school 3:15-4:00 )

5 Science Today: 1.Work Time: Intro. to Topographic Maps You have the first 15 minutes to complete this activity with your group (or get very close to completion). 2. When you finish: Work on vocab. organizer

6 1.Mountain Maker Procedure Part One Assemble Mt. Shasta Model Create a Topographic Map of Mt. Shasta Create a Profile View 2.When you finish: Finish Intro. to Topographic Maps Work on Mtns./Volcanoes Vocab organizer

7 Science Today (12/2) 1.Mountains & Volcanoes Vocab. Intro. 2.Words of the Day 3.Reading Topographic Maps Activity- Mt. Shasta

8 Mountains & Volcanoes Big Idea: Mountains & volcanoes form as tectonic plates move.

9 Smaller Ideas : 3.1: Movement of rock builds mountains. 3.2 Volcanoes form as molten rock erupts. 3.3 Volcanoes affect Earth’s land, air & water.

10 Vocabulary from Textbook: Acid Rain Magma Cinder Cone VolcanoMud Flow Composite VolcanoPyroclastic Flow Fault-Block MountainSediment Folded MountainShield Volcano Geyser Lava Lava Flow

11 Additional Words: AaViscosity CalderaVolcanic Ash DormantVolcanic Bomb Extinct Felsic Lahar Mafic Pahoehoe Silica Stratovolcano

12 Words of the Day: Dormant Volcano: A volcano that is not currently erupting but it considered likely to erupt in the future. Extinct Volcano: A volcano that is not expected to erupt again.

13 Intro to Topographic Maps: 1.Complete Intro. to Topographic Maps activity in packet (page 1 front & back) When you finish: Work on mountains & volcanoes vocabulary organizer

14 Additional Vocab. Aa: A Hawaiian term to describe a type of lava. Aa is characterized by chunks of rough, jagged, spiny lava. Dormant Volcano: A volcano that is not currently erupting but it considered likely to erupt in the future.

15 Where in the World? (Major Volcanic Eruptions Edition)

16 Anak Krakatau “Child of Krakatau”

17 Krakatau, Indonesia August 26-27, 1883 Casualties: 36,000-40,000 Major Cause of Death: Tsunamis The force of this eruption was so great that much of the volcano, and two-thirds of the island itself, collapsed into the sea, triggering 120-foot waves that devastated neighboring islands.

18 Mount Unzen, Japan

19 1792 Casualties: 15,000 Major Cause: Landslides, Tsunamis

20 Mt. Vesuvius, Italy

21 Vesuvius, Italy * 1631 Casualties: 3,500 Major Cause: Pyroclastic Flows

22 Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines

23 1991 Casualties: >700 Major Cause: Pyroclastic Flows

24 Laki, Iceland

25 1783 Casualties: 9,000 Major Cause: Starvation

26 Additional Vocab: Extinct: A volcano that is not expected to erupt again. Felsic: Term used to describe volcanic rock or lava composed largely of silica.

27 Science Today: 12/8 1.Introduce Unit Daily Work Expectations 2.Quiet, Independent Work Time- 3.1 Reading 3.1 Daily work piece 3. Science Ender: Review Mountain Types

28 Science Today: 12/8 1.Mountains & Volcanoes Daily Work 2.Quiet, Independent Work Time: Read section 3.1 Work on 3.1 daily work item * *Mountain Maker packet will be collected today** 3. Summarize Mountain Types

29 Mountain Types 1.Folded 2.Fault Block

30 Folded Mountain Ex. Himalaya Mountains


32 Folded Mountain: A mountain that forms as continental crust crumples and bends into folds. Conditions needed: Hot temperatures & High pressure Slow, continual stress Plate Boundaries: Convergent Boundaries Continental-continental collision Oceanic-continental collision

33 Fault-Block Mountains Ex. Grand Teton Range, WY Ex. Sierra Nevada Mtns., CA


35 Grand Teton Mountains (WY)

36 Fault-Block Mountains Mountains that form as blocks of rock move up/down along normal faults. Conditions needed: Cool & rigid crust EQ shift rock blocks Plate Boundaries: Divergent Boundaries Crust stretched & breaks into blocks Blocks tilt forming mtns and valleys


38 Laws of Play-doh 1.The play-doh shall be shaped on the waxed paper only. 2.Use play-doh for good not evil purposes. 3. All play-doh shall be cleaned up before leaving.

39 What we are doing today: 1. Assemble Mt. Play-doh & create topographic map. 2. Finish Analysis questions in Mountain maker packet. Finished Mountain Maker packets due tomorrow (Tues.)!!! 3. Work on unit vocab. organizer.

40 Quiet, Independent Work Time 1.3.1, 3.2 & 3.3 Readings & Daily Work Pieces 2.Vocab. Organizer 3.Mapping World Volcanoes Activity * All Daily Work is due on Friday!!!

41 Additional Vocab: Pahoehoe: A Hawaiian term to describe a type of lava. “Ropy, cake- batter lava”

42 Science Starter: (on back of coversheet) In a Venn Diagram, explain the similarities & differences between fault block mountains and folded mountains.

43 Fault BlockFolded

44 Volcano Vocab. (not in book) Silica: (Silicon + Oxygen) Building block of volcanic rocks that controls how well lava flows. The more silica--> the greater viscosity (stickiness)

45 Viscosity Challenge * Brought to you by: Silica

46 Felsic: Term used to describe volcanic rock or lava composed largely of silica. (ex. Aa) Mafic: Term used to describe volcanic rock or lava that does not have much silica. (ex. Pahoehoe)

47 Quiet, Independent Work Time (~ 25 min.) Please work quietly on the following: 1. Back of green volcano comparison w.s. (green sheet in packet) 2.3.1 reading & daily work piece 3.3.2 reading & daily work piece 4.Ring of Fire: Volcano type research (tan packet) 5.Vocab. organizer

48 Volcano Vocab. Viscosity: A measure of how well a substance flows. Lahar: A flowing mixture of water- saturated rock that forms on a volcano & flows downhill. Caldera: A huge crater or hole formed by the collapse of a volcano when magma rapidly erupts from underneath it.

49 What kind of Volcano?

50 What type of Volcano?




54 Ring of Fire Volcano Project Important Dates Mon., 12/14: Bring in volcano making materials Tues., 12/15: Quick construction: volcanoes (per. 1-5) Wed., 12/16: Volcano presentations (per. 1-5) * Quick construction volcanoes (per. 6-7)

55 Ring of Fire Project: To do list today: Volcano type research (3.2 & green worksheet Brainstorm material list (bring materials Mon.!) Volcano type drawing

56 Science Starter: Classify the following as either characteristics of Shield, Cinder Cone or Composite Volcanoes (may be more than one answer). 1. Huge in size! 2. Located on Continental Crust 3. Erupts Mafic Lava 4. Erupts Aa Lava 5. Erupts hot & thin lava only 6. Erupts silica-rich lava only 7. Erupts Felsic Lava

57 Science Classes: Today you will need: Science book Mtns/Volcanoes packet Vocab. organizer Science Today: 1.Volcano Vocab. 2.Work Time: 3.Ring of Fire project

58 Volcano Vocab. Aa: A Hawaiian term to describe a type of lava. Aa is characterized by chunks of rough, jagged, spiny lava. Pahoehoe: A Hawaiian term to describe a type of lava. “Ropy, cake- batter lava” Stratovolcano: Another word for composite volcano

59 Aa = Cookie Dough

60 Lava Types: cookie dough

61 Cake Batter--Pahoehoe

62 Lava Types: Cake batter

63 Volcano Types 1.Shield 2.Cinder Cone 3.Composite

64 What type of Volcano?


66 Shield Volcano Slope: Gentle Size: Huge Quiet, Liquid Eruption Location: Often near ocean

67 Shield Volcano--cont. Lava: Mafic Hot & Thin Not Bubbly (low gas content) Pahoehoe

68 Cinder Cone Volcano Slope: Steep Size: Small Solid, Explosive Eruption Location: Continental

69 Cinder Cone Volcano--cont. Lava: Felsic (silica-rich) Cool & Thick Bubbly (trapped gases) Aa lava


71 Composite Volcano Slope: Moderate Size: Moderate (broad base) Both Liquid & Solid Eruption Both Quiet & Explosive Eruption Location: Continental

72 Composite Volcano--cont. Lava: Felsic & Mafic Lava Both Hot/Thin & Cool/Thick Lava Bubbly & Not Bubbly Lava Aa & Pahoehoe Lavas

73 ShieldCinder ConeComposite

74 Science Starter: Please find a sheet of scratch paper. On your scratch paper, number 1 -7 (you do not need to leave additional lines between the numbers).

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