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What would you like to accomplish by age 30?.  Sent to Thebes as a boy as a political prisoner, observed Greek life, military and even went to Greek.

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Presentation on theme: "What would you like to accomplish by age 30?.  Sent to Thebes as a boy as a political prisoner, observed Greek life, military and even went to Greek."— Presentation transcript:

1 What would you like to accomplish by age 30?

2  Sent to Thebes as a boy as a political prisoner, observed Greek life, military and even went to Greek schools  Returned to become King of Macedonia, Greeks considered barbarians, uncivilized, said made Bar- Bar sound

3  Used Greek phalanx and perfected it along with using latest technology and cavalry conquered Greece and encouraged Greek city states to join his army,  lost eye to arrow in battle, army stronger than Sparta,conquered Greece by 385 B.C.

4  Had one son and two daughters, Alexander only son, sent to Athens to study under Aristotle, learned Greek ways and began to believe the Greeks were superior in everyway  Philip Assassinated at oldest daughter’s wedding  20 year old Alexander took control of Army

5  Alexander 20 when he takes over as king and general  Conquers the rest of Greece, and fulfills father’s plans to avenge destruction of Athens by Persians

6  Marched army into Anatolia defeats Persians in 3 battles  Visits Troy and lays a wreath at tomb of Achilles

7  Uses intimidation and terror, men extremely loyal march off cliff for him  Alexander brilliant battle strategist, always has his men with back to fresh water and depriving the enemy of water

8  In 11 years he conquered Persia, Egypt and all of the kingdoms under their control  Marched into Egypt a hero, instantly made Pharaoh, built new city of Alexandria as new capital

9  In Babylon marched in on flower covered war elephants, stayed for 6 months dressed and ate like Persians  Marched to Indus river valley and men sat down and refused to fight, returned to Babylon where Alexander is bitten by a mosquito and contracts malaria or another disease and dies at 33

10  Called Alexander the Great because he conquered most of the known world

11  After Alexander’s Death his empire divided between his four generals Seleucus took the Levant and Persia, Ptolemy took Egypt, Cassander took Macedonian, Greece and Thrace, Antigonus took Anatolia and Syria

12  All Satraps, governors over parts of kingdom until Alexander's new born so was old enough but each developed own kingdom and even began to fight against each other  Each required Greek ideas and lifestyle to expand including libraries, gymnasiums, baths and the Agora

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