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Check Point #24 Number your paper 1-7 You’ll have 30 seconds for each slide.

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Presentation on theme: "Check Point #24 Number your paper 1-7 You’ll have 30 seconds for each slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Check Point #24 Number your paper 1-7 You’ll have 30 seconds for each slide

2 1. 1. Where was the 1 st civilization? A. Huang He river valley B. Tigris - Euphrates river valley C. Nile river valley D. Indus river valley

3 2. 2. Who was the Chaldean king who rebuilt Babylon? A. Sargon B. Nebuchadnezzar C. Gilgamesh D. Alexander

4 3.What is a group of traveling merchants? A. astronomers B. scribes C. artisans D. caravan

5 4. 4. What did the Hittites teach the Assyrians that helped make their army stronger? A.How to use more advanced weapons such as catapults and battering rams B. How to fight while riding horses C. How to use stronger metals such as iron for weaponry D. how to make chariots

6 5. What was the first civilization to have a written language? A. Egyptian B. Sumerian C. Assyrian D. Chaldean

7 6. How did humans live differently once they learned how to grow crops and tame animals that produced food? a. People stopped gathering grains. b. People began settling in communities. c. People started building dwelling places that housed a small clan. d. People stopped using stone tools. 6.3

8 6.4 7. Taming an animal for use by humans is called a. specialization. b. technology. c. domestication. d. encampment.

9 Check your answers

10 1. 1. Where was the 1 st civilization? A. Huang He river valley B. Tigris - Euphrates river valley C. Nile river valley D. Indus river valley

11 2. 2. Who was the Chaldean king who rebuilt Babylon? A. Sargon B. Nebuchadnezzar C. Gilgamesh D. Alexander

12 3.What is a group of traveling merchants? A. astronomers B. scribes C. artisans D. caravan

13 4. 4. What did the Hittites teach the Assyrians that helped make their army stronger? A.How to use more advanced weapons such as catapults and battering rams B. How to fight while riding horses C. How to use stronger metals such as iron for weaponry D. how to make chariots

14 5. What was the first civilization to have a written language? A. Egyptian B. Sumerian C. Assyrian D. Chaldean

15 6. How did humans live differently once they learned how to grow crops and tame animals that produced food? a. People stopped gathering grains. b. People began settling in communities. c. People started building dwelling places that housed a small clan. d. People stopped using stone tools. 6.3

16 6.4 7. Taming an animal for use by humans is called a. specialization. b. technology. c. domestication. d. encampment.

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