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Chapter Preview 4 Chapter Preview · Section 4 Formal Organization (pages 190–196) A formal organization is created to achieve some goal. Most are bureaucratic.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Preview 4 Chapter Preview · Section 4 Formal Organization (pages 190–196) A formal organization is created to achieve some goal. Most are bureaucratic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Preview 4 Chapter Preview · Section 4 Formal Organization (pages 190–196) A formal organization is created to achieve some goal. Most are bureaucratic. The existence of primary groups and relationships within formal organizations can either help or hinder the achievement of the goals.

2 6-4 Interactive Activity 1

3 A.A B.B C.C D.D Section 4-Polling Question Which are formal organizations? A.High schools B.Government agencies C.Hospital D. All of the above

4 Section 4 The Nature of Formal Organizations A formal organization is deliberately created to achieve one or more long-term goals.formal organization A bureaucracy is a formal organization based on rationality and efficiency.bureaucracy

5 A.A B.B C.C Section 4 Do you agree that bureaucracies can be inefficient? A.Agree B.Disagree C.Not sure

6 Section 4 Major Characteristics of Bureaucracies A bureaucracy is a division of labor based on the principle of specialization. Public School District Organization Chart

7 Section 4 Major Characteristics of Bureaucracies (cont.) A bureaucracy is a hierarchy of authority. Power refers to the ability to control the behavior of others, even against their will.Power Authority is the exercise of legitimate power—power that derives from a recognized or approved source.Authority

8 Section 4 Major Characteristics of Bureaucracies (cont.) Bureaucracies are systems of rules and procedures. They include written records of work and activities. People in bureaucracies are promoted on the basis of merit and qualifications.


10 A.A B.B Section 4 In a bureaucracy, the greatest amount of authority is concentrated in a few positions at the top. A.True B.False

11 6-4 Interactive 2

12 Section 4 Max Weber and Bureaucracy Rationalization—the mind-set emphasizing knowledge, reason, and planning rather than tradition and superstition—was on the rise as the industrial economy developed.Rationalization

13 Section 4 Max Weber and Bureaucracy (cont.) Weber believed that a bureaucracy could offer steadiness, precision, continuity, speed, efficiency, and minimum cost since the industrial economy was moving so quickly. Bureaucracy is designed to protect individuals despite its negative reputation. Membership in Labor Unions

14 A.A B.B C.C D.D Section 4 According to Weber, what did bureaucracy offer? A.Weakness B.Chaos C.Nothing D.Efficiency

15 Section 4 Informal Structure Within Organizations Bureaucracies are designed to act as secondary groups, but primary relationships still emerge as part of the informal organization. informal organization Human Development

16 Section 4 Informal Structure Within Organizations (cont.) An informal organization is comprised of groups within a formal organization. In informal organizations, personal relationships are guided by norms, rituals, and sentiments that are not part of the formal organization. Informal groups exist to meet needs ignored by the formal organization.

17 A.A B.B C.C D.D Section 4 Informal groups serve the following purposes EXCEPT A.Protection B.Personal affection C.Humor D.Teaching authority

18 Interactive Map

19 Section 4 Iron Law of Oligarchy According to the iron law of oligarchy, power increasingly tends to become more and more concentrated in the hands of fewer members of any organization.iron law of oligarchy Those in power want to remain in power.

20 Section 4 Iron Law of Oligarchy (cont.) Three organizational factors encourage oligarchy: –Organizations need a hierarchy of authority to delegate decision making. –The advantages held by those at the top allow them to consolidate their powers. –Other members of the organization tend to defer to leaders.

21 A.A B.B C.C D.D Section 4 Do you agree with Robert Michels about this Law of Oligarchy? A.Strongly agree B.Somewhat agree C.Somewhat disagree D.Strongly disagree

22 Figure 6.3 Public School District Organization Chart

23 Snapshot Membership in Labor Unions Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2005.

24 World View Human Development Source: United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2004.

25 Transparency Menu Characteristics of a Bureaucracy Classic Groupthink Scenario by Janis Sociology Chapter Transparencies

26 Transparency 1

27 Transparency 2

28 Vocab 18 formal organization a group deliberately created to achieve one or more long-term goals

29 Vocab 19 bureaucracy a formal organization based on rationality and efficiency

30 Vocab 20 power the ability to control the behavior of others

31 Vocab 21 authority the legitimate or socially approved use of power

32 Vocab 22 rationalization the mind-set emphasizing knowledge, reason, and planning

33 Vocab 23 informal organization groups within a formal organization in which personal relationships are guided by norms, rituals, and sentiments that are not part of the formal organization

34 Vocab 24 iron law of oligarchy theory that power increasingly becomes concentrated in the hands of a few members of any organization

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