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Digital services: reaching fathers Duncan Fisher Children England Conference February 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital services: reaching fathers Duncan Fisher Children England Conference February 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital services: reaching fathers Duncan Fisher Children England Conference February 2013

2 Why digital? 1. More choice = more access 2. Take services to where people are 3. Improve efficiency 4. Reach reticent users – e.g. men

3 More choice For every person who uses a walk-in centre 10-20 will make a phone call 100 will search on line Teachers Support Network after adding digital.

4 Take services to where people are 99% of 16-54 year olds use mobile phone Half of young people own smart phone – 244% increase in 2012; will soon be nearly universal 93% of people say they are confident using the Internet

5 Improve efficiency Teacher Support Network: cost per incident after adding digital

6 Reach the reticent Language Age Gender

7 7 Free online advice e.g. formatted like a Google search rather than a website On-line engagement – forum, coaching, live chat, phone Intensive service – meeting, therapy, etc. Info – Guidance - Intensive Support More cost Fewer people

8 Digital service - not just communication A relationship over time – conversation Case records for users Confidentiality & security Needs to be built into a CRM system

9 Maternity Assist Digital adjunct to maternity service For NHS: –save money –save midwife time –communicate public health messages –better service audit trail –better service quality = more competitive For families: –digital content spread over time, instead of a barrowload of paper –more accessible midwives –DEFAULT INCLUSION OF OTHER MEMBERS OF FAMILY

10 Men not socialised to seek help Networks of fathers do not form because of work Want information and facts, not “help” Next stage of Dad.Info: magazine – infotainment Support services embedded in this

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