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Unit 6 Seminar. The Unit 6 quiz Remember to take the Unit 6 quiz, due Tuesday, July 17, 2012, midnight ET. There is a study guide for this quiz in Doc.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 Seminar. The Unit 6 quiz Remember to take the Unit 6 quiz, due Tuesday, July 17, 2012, midnight ET. There is a study guide for this quiz in Doc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6 Seminar

2 The Unit 6 quiz Remember to take the Unit 6 quiz, due Tuesday, July 17, 2012, midnight ET. There is a study guide for this quiz in Doc Sharing. The quiz is 50 points, as is your Unit 6 writing assignment, also due Tuesday night at midnight ET.

3 Unit 6 writing assignment Let’s go look at the Unit 6 writing assignment, due Tuesday, July 17,midnight, ET.

4 Looking Ahead: Unit 8 writing assignment, Literature Review, due July 31, 2012 Your literature review, which you have been working on over the last few units, is due at the end of Unit 8. It should be 10-15 pages long (not including title and reference pages) and you should discuss at least ten scholarly studies in peer-reviewed journals that deal with your research topic.

5 Literature Review The literature review should be an in-depth study, discussion, and analysis of the scholarly sources that relates to your applied research topic. Rather than discussing each of your sources one at a time and then moving on to the next source, you should instead organize your paper around major points and subtopics that are relevant to your main topic. Explain each source’s pertinence to the points being discussed; you should refer to most or all of your sources at different points throughout your literature review. Discuss each source individually as well as in relation to the other sources.

6 Literature Review

7 You must use APA citations to document your sources. You must include both in-text citations and a reference page to fully document each source that you use. You should also make sure to: Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date Include an introductory and concluding section and demonstrate college- level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English Use examples to support your discussion Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cited within the body of your paper using APA format Lastly, please label your projects: username-project-unit#.doc. For example, a student named Tina Allen would name her file TAllen- LiteratureReview-Unit8.doc. Submit your assignment by selecting the Unit 8: Assignment in the Dropbox by the end of Unit 8. ID: LS504-08-08-AS

8 APA Style Guide, in Doc Sharing Let’s look together at some features of the APA Style Guide, in Doc Sharing, and in the Course Home area. Note that article titles are in regular type, without quotation marks. Larger works, such as journals and books, are in italic font, no quotation marks.

9 Discussion of sample literature reviews Let’s look at the Sample Literature Review from OWL, in Doc Sharing, and at The research study by Swaner and White, “A Pilot Program on Youth Engagement,” in the Unit 6 readings Lisa Siewert, “The Effects of Written Teacher Feedback on the Academic Achievement of Fifth- Grade Students with Learning Challenges”

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