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. Public companies report their profits, losses and forecasts 4 times a year. This period of time and reporting is referred to as the _______________________.

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2 Public companies report their profits, losses and forecasts 4 times a year. This period of time and reporting is referred to as the _______________________. quarterly earnings/report

3  Apple and Google are on the NYSE.  False—they are on the NASDAQ

4 If a company reports its margins have increased, is that a positive or negative sign?_______________ Positive! Their profits on a particular product have increased (revenue—costs such as marketing, production, etc.)

5 Which sector was most represented in the top 10 companies of the Fortune 500? Energy—Exxon, Valero, Chevron

6 Which camera company went public in 2014? ______________________ GoPro IPO (initial public offering)

7 Dividends are usually paid by growing technology companies such as Google. False—by established companies such as GE

8 General Electric and Coca-Cola are blue chip companies. True—blue chip are established companies that have been successful over many years.

9 What are two reasons that a person might invest only in blue chip companies? _______________ ________________ reliable returns—dividends, less risk, dividends

10 In a stock split, the dollar value of each share goes down. True—50 shares at $100 each are now 100 shares at $50 each. Cost per share is lower so more people can buy the stock

11 Name 4 economic indicators. GDP, housing Interest rates, employment rates Trade deficit, inflation Business spending

12 What does SEC stand for? What does it do? __________________ ___________________________ Securities and Exchange Commission to regulate publicly traded companies

13 A stock with a low P/E ratio is always a good investment. False. It cold be a failing company!

14 What does ROI stand for? __________________________________ Return on investment—money earned after expenses are calculated

15 Dividends are interest paid on your stock holdings. False. They are paid from profits as a percentage of stock price.

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