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Nicole George (AP World History, Secondary Instructional Facilitator)

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1 Nicole George (AP World History, Secondary Instructional Facilitator)

2 A deliberation is a way to explore different views to a question and support these views with evidence Deliberations are NOT debates; there are no winners, just students walking away with knowledge and educated conclusions In deliberations, arguments and facts for both sides of the question are presented, students need to prepare with these before the actual deliberation The purpose is for students to learn historical skills such as interpretation of texts and historical analysis WHAT IS A DELIBERATION?

3 1.Distribute reading material 2.Students take notes on both sides of the question 3.Students break up in groups of 4 4.In each group, one pair gives two arguments for one side while the other does the same for the other side 5.The pairs change sides 6.Class deliberation: everyone expresses their view but with support of the arguments they found in the reading, plus prior knowledge or personal experience 7.Closure: a.Did anyone change their mind in the process? b.What is a new argument you learned? c.Is there a halfway point or a new question that can be asked? STEPS

4 Question: Was the Nazi “Final Solution” intentionalist or functionalist? Use the following documents to understand both possibilities and reach a conclusion about this historical debate...\APWH\Holocaust\pd10_holo_oe_resources+final_2-28.pdf THE FINAL SOLUTION: INTENTIONALIST VS. FUNCTIONALIST

5 Question: Was the Neolithic Revolution a mistake or a blessing for humankind? Use the following documents to understand both possibilities and reach a conclusion about this historical debate. http://teachers/high/socialstudies/apworldhistory/Shared%20Documents/Prima ry%20Documents/The%20Worst%20Mistake%20in%20the%20History%20of%2 0the%20Human%20Race.doc migration/?ar_a=1 * Students are asked to search for their own sources as well since this is something they had previously studied in class NEOLITHIC REVOLUTION: MISTAKE VS. BLESSING

6 Question: Was Gabriel Garcia Moreno more beneficial than detrimental to Ecuador`s politics in the late 19 th century? 1.Find documents that support your claim. 2.Organize the deliberation in your group 3.Class deliberation GABRIEL GARCIA MORENO: FIEND VS. ANGEL

7 The question must come from a true historical debate, so it should be an open ended question You need to make sure there are enough primary and/or secondary sources for your kids to analyze Explain the procedure beforehand and make sure you explain: primary sources, secondary sources and bias Establish the purposes of the deliberation: 1.Increase historical analysis skills 2.Increase listening skills 3.Increase the use of arguments to support a point CREATE YOUR OWN DELIBERATION

8 If you would like more information or if you have questions about deliberations, feel free to email me: THANK YOU!

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