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Important Dates  Tues June 4 th - TKAM Ch. 28-31 Vocab quiz  Wed/Thur June 5 th & 6 th --- TKAM REVIEW  Fri June 7 th --- TKAM FINAL EXAM  Fri June.

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Presentation on theme: "Important Dates  Tues June 4 th - TKAM Ch. 28-31 Vocab quiz  Wed/Thur June 5 th & 6 th --- TKAM REVIEW  Fri June 7 th --- TKAM FINAL EXAM  Fri June."— Presentation transcript:

1 Important Dates  Tues June 4 th - TKAM Ch. 28-31 Vocab quiz  Wed/Thur June 5 th & 6 th --- TKAM REVIEW  Fri June 7 th --- TKAM FINAL EXAM  Fri June 7 th --- FINAL NOTEBOOK CHECK!!  FINALS WEEK June 10 th -13 th  Mon/Tues June 10 th/11th – TKAM Final Group Project; TKAM Movie  Wed/Thur June 12 th/13th – TKAM Movie; Final AOW due

2 Monday 6/3  Bellwork: Tom Robinson is dead…predict what will happen at the end of the story.  Agenda  TKAM Ch. 28-31 vocab Quiz--Tues  TKAM Ch. 28-31 Vocab & Comp Q’s due tomorrow!  Reach Ch. 30-31  AOW #8  BRING ALL BOOKS TOMORROW!!  Homework  TKAM Ch. 28-31 vocab 4 square—Due Tue  TKAM Ch. 28-31 Comp Q’s—Due Tue  AOW #8 – due Fri  Notebooks check FRIDAY! (77-133)  TKAM FINAL FRIDAY

3 Tuesday 6/4  Bellwork: Why does Atticus invite everyone to the front porch instead of the living room?  Agenda  TKAM Ch. 28-31 Vocab Quiz  Return all English books  Make up ALL quizzes between now and Thurs  Check Ch. 28-31 vocab, comp q’s & Maps  Don’t forget to do the summary flow maps for all chapters!!  Homework  Organize Notebooks (77-133)  AOW #8—due Fri

4 Wednesday 6/5  Bellwork: Write down 2-3 habits that you would like to change for next year.  Agenda  TKAM Part II Review Maps  Make up all quizzes between now & Thursday  Homework  AOW #8 Due Fri  Notebook pages 77-133 due Friday  STUDY TKAM MAPS PAGES 96-97 & 132-133

5 Thursday 6/6  Bellwork: What are your summer plans? (Be detailed)  Agenda  TKAM “Who wants to be a Millionaire” Review game  Last day to make up quizzes/tests!!  Homework  AOW #8—due Tomorrow!  Notebook pages 77-133 due tomorrow  STUDY—STUDY—STUDY!! Parts I & II Maps 96-97 & 132-133

6 Friday 6/7  Bellwork: 10 minutes to study for TKAM Final.  Agenda  TKAM Final Exam  When finished, no talking. Work on Notebook, turn in before you leave today.  Write name and period on Bellwork, turn in  Homework  Be in class next week!!

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