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Russia Controlled Assessment CA Planning L.O. To carry on preparing for writing up your Controlled Assessment Starter: Get out the tasks you were completing.

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Presentation on theme: "Russia Controlled Assessment CA Planning L.O. To carry on preparing for writing up your Controlled Assessment Starter: Get out the tasks you were completing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russia Controlled Assessment CA Planning L.O. To carry on preparing for writing up your Controlled Assessment Starter: Get out the tasks you were completing ready to feedback on – tables and links/disputes between sources

2 Own KnowledgeSourceImpact (how did it contribute to Bolshevik Revolution?) Pre-existing problems in Russia Weaknesses of the Provisional Government Lenin as leader Kerensky’s mistakes Strength of Bolshevik party and individuals such as Trotsky How did Russia get to revolution? Lenin did play a role but what about the other factors? How did each of them contribute to Revolution? Fill in the third column of your table

3 Source Analysis h/w Go through your source pack – can you find any links/disputes between sources that you could cross reference in your essay?

4 Paragraph Checklist Point (the focus of your paragraph) Evidence (supported by the sources e.g. quotes) Try to use 2-3 sources per paragraph, address any links/disputes between them and fully analyse 1 source Explain how the factor contributed to the October Revolution and it’s importance compared to Lenin Link (can you link the paragraph to the next one?)

5 Referencing Sources If referencing from the source pack, simply say what source no. you are using e.g. In source 2 we can see… As Lynch explains ‘Russia had gone beyond the point where it could fight a successful war.’(Lynch, 1992, p.9) As the historian Robert Service explained ‘great historical changes are brought about not only by individuals.’ (Walsh, 2001, p.116) Bibliography for any sources apart from the pack: Bibliography Lynch, M. (1992) Reaction and Revolutions: Russia 1881-1924. London: Hodder and Stoughton Walsh, B. (2001) GCSE Modern World History: second edition. London: Hodder and Stoughton

6 Model Plan Introduction (100-200 words) set up the debate and make it snappy/catchy – ‘The Russian Revolution was a turning point in Russian and indeed world history/it was the first ever Communist revolution…Lenin played a key role but there were other factors too…How did it happen and how important were they?’ 1.Lenin’s role (400 words) Discuss this then compare it to the other factors: 2.Existing problems in Russia (200 words) 3.Weaknesses of PG (400 words) 4.Kerensky (300 words) 5.Trotsky/strength of Bolsheviks (200 words) Conclusion (300-400 words) – should be longer than intro Order your paragraphs how you like: e.g. chronologically, order of importance – don’t all do the same order!

7 Mark Scheme Let’s go through this together and hi-lite the key skills you need to demonstrate to get into band 5

8 Homework Over half term you should be doing the following: Check you understand the story/order of events Write up a couple of practice paragraphs Roughly plan your essay – main point of each paragraph/which sources will you use? Due: 05/11

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