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九年级 英语组 Grammar. in order to as a result I need to buy a robot in order to have more spare time. His robot did all the housework. As a result, Mr Jiang.

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1 九年级 英语组 Grammar

2 in order to as a result I need to buy a robot in order to have more spare time. His robot did all the housework. As a result, Mr Jiang no longer needed to get up early. do sth + a sentence In order to have more spare time, I need to buy a robot.

3 I. I had my robot wash up after dinner / watch my favourite TV programmes 2.My robot made a lunch box for me / I did not have to go out for lunch I had my robot wash up after dinner in order to watch my favourite TV programmes. My robot made a lunch box for me. As a result, I did not have to go out for lunch. Practice Add “in order to” or “as a result” to help Mr Jiang finish the sentences in right orders

4 3. keep my flat as good as new / I had my robot clean the rooms 4. The robot did all his housework well / Mr Jiang was very happy with the robot 5. My flat was in a mess / My robot caught a virus 6. I returned it to the shop / My robot was too much trouble In order to keep my flat as good as new, I had my robot clean the rooms The robot did all his housework well. As a result, Mr Jiang was very happy with the robot. My robot caught a virus. As a result, my flat was in a mess. My robot was too much trouble. As a result, I returned it to the shop.

5  People buy robots in order to---  More and more robots are used in our life. As a result,--- Discussion Try to finish the ideas as many as you can

6 归纳 order to 的否定为 in order not to e,g 他为了上学不迟到,他每天起得很早。 , he gets up early every day. 2. 用 so that 来改写 He studies hard in order to pass the exams. In order not to be late for school He studies hard so that he can pass the exam.

7 Vt+ (that)--- if/whether--- “wh-” word--- I think that people buy robots in order to have more free time for their hobbies. But I wonder if we will be controlled by robots one day. Object clause a statement yes/no question “wh-” word question

8 Object clause The robot no longer knew it should cook breakfast. Mr Jiang did not know what he should do with the robot. when connectiv e

9 Practice Daniel is talking to Mrs Li who has a robot at home. Let’s complete their conversation with connectives.

10 D: Good morning, Mrs Li. May I know your robot can do for you ? L: Sure. He can help me a lot, especially look after my baby. D: That’s amazing! But I wonder he can look after your baby. L: He can do it very well. I’m happy with it. D :Oh, I see you bought the robot. May I know you have had the robot? L: About three year. D: Could you tell me he needs checking? L: Every six months. D: Could you tell me he has caught a virus. L: Oh, no. I’m very lucky. D: Please tell me company made the robot? L: Hope company. D: Thank you very much. what how why how often how long if which

11 Help Daniel finish the sentences by using object clauses. Please pay attention to the right order 1.Where did Mr Jiang buy the robot? I’d like to know 2. When does the robot cook the breakfast? Can Mr Jiang tell me where Mr Jiang bought the robot. when the robot cooks the breakfast? Practice

12 3.What can the robot buy at the supermarket? I can’t imagine 4. How does the robot wash the dishes? I want to know 5.Why did Mr Jiang return the robot? I wonder 6. Who will repair the broken robot? I want to know what the robot can buy at the supermarket. how the robot washes the dishes. why Mr Jiang returned the robot. who will repair the broken robot.

13 main clause object clause present tense past tense the tense of an object clause any tense any past tense truth (do/does) present tense past tense do/does am/is /are doing have/has done did was/were doing had done would do

14 Choose the right tense to fill in the blanks 1. Mother told the child that the sun ( come) out in the east. 2. Sam told me that he (move) here in 1990. 3. I remembered he (be) to Japan already. 4.---- I wonder he (get) to Changzhou. ----Don’t worry. He’ll call you he. (arrive) 5. She asks me if my homework (do) on my own yesterday. 6. The boy insisted that he (listen) to the music at that time. 7. I when I (visit) Mr Green. was done will get arrives had been comes will visit was listening Exercise 1 haven’t decided moved when when

15 1. We want to see. A. what did happen B. what happened C. what was he happened D. what he happened 2. I’m not sure they are arguing about. A. what B. that C. who D. if 3. ---- you tell me ? ---- Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here, too. A. where is Hongmei Park B. how long the old man had lived here C. there is a bookshop near here D. when the early bus starts Exercise 2 Choose the best answer B A D Could

16 4.I’m wondering there will be a school trip it rains this Sunday. A. if/whether B. whether/whether C. whether/if D. that/if 5.----Can you describe. ----Very tall and thin A. what does he look like B. what he is look like C. what he is like D. what he likes 6. Mary left without saying a word. I’m worried about I hurt her feelings. A. Where B. what C. which D. whether 7. The child wondered. A. if you were going shopping or boating B. how many times you have been to Beijing C. if light goes faster than sound D. what you were listening C C C D

17 1. 我们将有越 来越多的作业要做。 I’m told. 2. 你能告诉这台机器人那里买的吗? Could you tell me ? 3. 我没有听到他们在谈论什么。 I didn’t hear. 4. 我不能确定机器人是否已经出毛病了。 I’m not sure. 5. 请告诉我你为什么喜欢摆弄机器人。 Please tell me. Exercise 3 Translate into English what they were talking about we will have more and more homework to do when you bought the robot if the robot has gone wrong why you like playing with robots

18  In your final exam, if you can use some object clauses, “in order to” or “as a result” correctly in your composition, you may get higher marks ! Please have a try! Remember


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