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Pre-Title. Welcome to Mrs. Walker’s World in Room C-9 Back-to-School September 17, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Title. Welcome to Mrs. Walker’s World in Room C-9 Back-to-School September 17, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Title

2 Welcome to Mrs. Walker’s World in Room C-9 Back-to-School September 17, 2008

3 What is European/World History? European History includes Western and Eastern Europe from 1450 to the present History of the Modern World focuses on the Industrial Revolution (1750) to the present Both include political, social, economic history and scientific innovations

4 So, what are the goals of this class? Obviously there is a lot of content to master The art of the historian is writing -- writing good thematic, historical essays is definitely a goal History should be relevant. How can we apply what we are learning to our world? College credit is great -- the skills are most important

5 Textbooks The Making of the West by Hunt –College textbook –Additional source book –Main text for outlines, homework and tests –We have a class set, so books can stay at home

6 Supplemental Textbooks Western Civilization by Jackson Spielvogel –College textbook –High interest, color pictures –Uses primary sources –Strong in social and cultural history –Class set used for in- class activities

7 History of the Modern World by R.R. Palmer Also a college text Was the “Bible” of European History Great political and economic history I furnish study guides -- “abridged” chapters in PDF on my website (highly recommend that students print them out and use them) Class set for activities and reference

8 Fi el d t ri p Field trip – Getty Center Thursday, April 9th

9 E sl r s / Fi el d t ri p Field trip – Museum of Tolerance Monday, March 30th Chaperones needed for both fieldtrips Sign interest sheet or email me

10 Fieldtrips – Chaperones Wanted!!! Fieldtrips are in March and April The Museum of Tolerance Monday, March 30 th 7:00 – 2:00 The Getty Museum Thursday, April 9 th, 8:00 – 2:00

11 European History Advanced Placement Exam Friday, May 8, 2009 Students can sign up in College and Career Center in February –College and Career Center checks for accuracy I get a list of students and make sure all signed up for correct test

12 Review Texts I recommend an A.P. Prep such as Barron’s or Arco Chapter overviews Practice tests for each chapter How to prepare for exam Full length practice test Be sure book is EUROPEAN HISTORY

13 Review Texts I recommend an A.P. Prep such as Barron’s or Arco Chapter overviews Practice tests for each chapter How to prepare for exam Full length practice test Be sure book is for the EUROPEAN HISTORY exam

14 Review Texts I recommend an A.P. Prep such as Barron’s or Arco Chapter overviews Practice tests for each chapter How to prepare for exam Full length practice test Be sure book is for the EUROPEAN HISTORY exam

15 Other Books Modern European History –Birdsall S. Viault

16 A bit about me I love to teach I have taught for 25 years – 18 at NPHS I live in Newbury Park and I love living here My Masters Degree is in Education Psychology I am a County Technology Mentor and encourage technology use in the classroom I am Mock Trial advisor ;-)

17 Par ent Su ppo rt for Chi ld How can parents help? Be sure you and your student can access grades on Zangle Talk about academic integrity with your child Encourage study groups and review sessions

18 Par ent Su ppo rt for Cla ss How can parents help? Volunteer to chaperone Museum of Tolerance - TBA Getty Museum - TBA Donate: Computers – Printer (for students) Empty ink cartridges (HP or Lexmark) Paper See my “Wish List”

19 Mrs. Walker’s Web Site

20 Pre-Title

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