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AP W ORLD H ISTORY Unit 4 Project Due April 1. P ROJECT D ESCRIPTION For this project, each student is to assume a personality from medieval India, China,

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Presentation on theme: "AP W ORLD H ISTORY Unit 4 Project Due April 1. P ROJECT D ESCRIPTION For this project, each student is to assume a personality from medieval India, China,"— Presentation transcript:

1 AP W ORLD H ISTORY Unit 4 Project Due April 1

2 P ROJECT D ESCRIPTION For this project, each student is to assume a personality from medieval India, China, Japan, Korea, or Vietnam, depending on the topic I assign to you. Each student should research what life would have been like for his or her assumed character. After having researched the role, each student should create a “Facebook profile” for that character. Your character’s profile should look like an info page, but you should create tabs to include the information in the following slides, not the tabs that actually appear on Facebook. Your character’s info page should include the following information:

3 P ROJECT G UIDELINES : M UST INCLUDE A written description of exactly who they are in society. This description should include details about their assumed. Society they are a part of Location and why that matters Social rank Gender Occupation Housing Other aspects of daily life

4 G RADING C RITERIA ____ 5 Following directions/general order ____ 5 Appropriate visuals ____ 75 Complete and Correct information ____ 5 Correct citation of sources (info & photos) ____ 5 Attractiveness Correct grammar Neatness ____ 5 Presentation Do not read

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