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Anette van Dorland February 2003 ILRI Breed type information Oromia Livestock Breed Survey.

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Presentation on theme: "Anette van Dorland February 2003 ILRI Breed type information Oromia Livestock Breed Survey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anette van Dorland February 2003 ILRI Breed type information Oromia Livestock Breed Survey

2 Breed types of Oromia Regional State  61 pure local breed types  1 exotic pure breed type Pure breeds  27 local cross breed types  5 exoticxlocal cross breed types Cross breeds X  Unknown pure and cross breed types 60 % of observations is unknown Unknown breeds ?

3 Distribution of (cross)breed types ZoneLocalExoticLocalxLocalExoticxLocal Arsi5-12 Bale13-44 Borana5-3- East Hararge18-13131 East Shoa10-22 East Wollega---1 Illubabor1-2- Jimma---1 North Shoa2-13 West Hararge24141 West Shoa-1-- West Wollega3--- Cross breedPure breed Number of (cross)breed types by Zone

4 Number of breed types per household No. of pure/crossNo. of breed typeshouseholds 14995 2249 346 41 Combination ofNo. of breed typeshouseholds 1 Pure breed4957 1 Cross breed38 Pure breeds28 Cross breeds1 Pure and Cross breeds153

5 Distribution of Major Breed types

6 Distribution of breed types by agro- ecological zone

7 Doba Anniya GujiHFxLocal Borana Arsi Kolla (Lowland) Weinadega (Mid-altitude) Dega (Highland) Distribution of breed types by agro- ecological zone (cont.)

8 Distribution of breed types by production system

9 Phenotypic characteristics: Qualitative and quantitative


11 Coat colour of body 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 12345678 Colour combinations of HFxLocal % of households Colour combinations of Guji 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 12345678 % of households

12 Coat colour of body (cont.) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 12345678 Colour combinations of Anniya % of households Colour combinations of Borana 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 12345678 % of households 35

13 Coat colour of body (cont.) Colour combinations of Arsi 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1234567 8 % of households Colour combinations of Doba 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 123456 7 8 % of households

14 Dewlap size Hump size

15 Herd structure (%) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 MaleCastrateFemaleMaleCastrateFemale < 3 years> 3 years ArsiBoranaGujiAnniyaDobaHFxLocal

16 Trait preference by farmers of major breed types  Size/shape  Colour  Horns  Heat/cold tolerance  Temperament  Work rate/draft power  Ability to walk long distances  Milk yield  Meat  Growth rate  Fertility  Longevity  Disease tolerance/resistance  Drought tolerance Not important Poor Average Good No opinion

17 Trait preference by farmers of major breed types (cont.)  Size/shape  Colour  Horns  Heat/cold tolerance  Temperament  Work rate/draft power  Ability to walk long distances  Milk yield  Meat  Growth rate  Fertility  Longevity  Disease tolerance/resistance  Drought tolerance

18 Trait preference by farmers of major breed types (cont.)  Size/shape  Colour  Horns  Heat/cold tolerance  Temperament  Work rate/draft power  Ability to walk long distances  Milk yield  Meat  Growth rate  Fertility  Longevity  Disease tolerance/resistance  Drought tolerance

19 Production versus adaptation traits

20 Production characteristics Reproduction  Age at sexual maturity  Age ate first parturition  Calving interval  Marketable age of young stock  Milk production  Lactation length Production

21 Age at first parturition

22 Calving rate 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ArsiBoranaGujiAnniyaDobaHFxLocal Breed types Calving rate (%)

23 Milk production a Mean ± Standard deviation b Average milk production for all breed types

24 Lactation length a Mean ± Standard deviation b Average milk production for all breed types

25 Conclusions  Most households reported owning pure breeds than cross breeds  In most households breed type was unknown  In most households one pure or cross breed type was found  Guji, HF-crosses, and Arsi breeds can be classified as Midland/highland breed types. Doba, Borana, and Anniya can be classified as lowland breed types  Farmers reported HF-crosses to be poorly adapted to the environment; Arsi to be less productive than other breeds; and Guji to be both less adapted and less productive than other breeds

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