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 With Ms. Vizas  Room 134 

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Presentation on theme: " With Ms. Vizas  Room 134 "— Presentation transcript:

1  With Ms. Vizas  Room 134  Email:

2 The Roman Empire Islamic Civilizations Feudal Europe and Japan Imperial China Kingdoms of Ghana, Mali & Songhai

3 The Renaissance The Reformation The Scientific Revolution Enlightenment The Maya, Aztec and Inca

4 Daily Supplies to Bring to Class:  Journal For Warm-Up, notes, reflections, et cetera  Binder with divider tabs  Colored pencils  Helpful: water, layered clothing

5 HomeworkHomework  Weekly Chapter Study Guides Handed out in class and available on the LACES website  Any unfinished classwork  Students have Study Buddies to call on if they are absent or need help!!!

6 AssessmentsAssessments  Chapter/Unit Tests and Quizzes  Projects will be on LACES website 1 st --Islam Poster Project  Act it Outs  Historical writing Writing with primary and secondary sources

7  A = 90-100%  B = 80-89%  C= 70-79%  D = 60-69%  F = 0-59%  A = 90-100%  B = 80-89%  C= 70-79%  D = 60-69%  F = 0-59%

8  Half credit for classwork assignments turned in late.  Homework may be turned in one week past due date for late credit.

9  Check your child’s agenda.  Instead of “Do you have homework?” say, “Show me your homework.”  Subscribe to Teacher Pages on the LACES website.


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