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Q2. Your school is holding a fund – raising event for a national charity Choose a famous person and write a letter to persuade him or her to take part.

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Presentation on theme: "Q2. Your school is holding a fund – raising event for a national charity Choose a famous person and write a letter to persuade him or her to take part."— Presentation transcript:

1 Q2. Your school is holding a fund – raising event for a national charity Choose a famous person and write a letter to persuade him or her to take part in that event.

2 I’ve chosen Kylie Minogue.

3 This is a letter so I’ve got to think about structure. Setting it out properly.

4 Hmm…It’s also a piece of persuasion. I’ve got to persuade Kylie to come to school, even though she’s busy. It needs to be a bit different.

5 What does Kylie want to hear? Flattery, yes, that’s always very persuasive

6 What does Kylie want to hear? I’ll try to get her to identify with the cause – the old NSPCC.

7 What does Kylie want to hear? I’ll make sure I mention the Media interest. It’ll be good for her image.

8 What does Kylie want to hear? I’ll appeal to her better nature. Let her know, ‘we’d be ever so grateful’ etc

9 What does Kylie want to hear? I’ll stress the difference she can make.

10 Dear Kylie Congratulations on your last tour and fitting into that 16” corset – which was absolutely unbelievable and a credit to the fact that you keep yourself so fit and healthy!! Thinking about persuasive language

11 Dear Kylie Congratulations on your last tour and fitting into that 16” corset – which was absolutely unbelievable and a credit to the fact that you keep yourself so fit and healthy!! Thinking about persuasive language

12 Dear Kylie Congratulations on your last tour and fitting into that 16” corset – which was absolutely unbelievable and a credit to the fact that you keep yourself so fit and healthy!! Thinking about persuasive language

13 Dear Kylie Congratulations on your last tour and fitting into that 16” corset – which was absolutely unbelievable and a credit to the fact that you keep yourself so fit and healthy!! Thinking about persuasive language

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