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Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service.

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1 Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service

2 Wednesday May 29 DAY 3

3 Rising seniors, if you wish to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, please write a letter addressed to Fr. Mike Roche, explaining why you would like to be a Minister of Holy Communion. Fr. Mike will accept letters through Thursday, May 30th.

4 Pittsburgh Dance Center has announced their Summer Camps for 2013. Informational flyers on dance, fitness, and karate programs are available in the office. Pittsburgh Dance Center has announced their Summer Camps for 2013. Informational flyers on dance, fitness, and karate programs are available in the office.

5 Summer Assignment – CE Chem If you are taking CE next school year, please stop in the Chemistry Lab - G13 and get the summer assignment from Mrs. Heeter.

6 Volunteer at Bethlehem Haven Women's Shelter - Saturday, June 8th in the morning. We will be making and serving brunch for the women. Sign up with Ms. Farrell Additional summer service opportunities posted on the Campus Ministry board.

7 All students traveling to Italy with Ms Teeters are reminded to be at the airport on Monday, June 17 at 4:15pm We will meet on the main floor in the ticketing area. Please see Ms. Teeters in room 211 if you have any questions.

8 Freshmen and sophomores will be voting for their student council senators for next year in homeroom on THURSDAY. Please vote for 7 by circling their names!

9 Anatomy Club The Anatomy club ill meet on Wednesday, May 29 at 2:35 in room G10. The Anatomy club ill meet on Wednesday, May 29 at 2:35 in room G10.

10 There will be a meeting for all those playing Field Hockey in the fall on Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Cafe.

11 The final MAPS wrap up meeting will be on Thursday, May 30th, directly after school in the Study area. Please bring any and all ideas for next year.

12 Attention Athletes: Physical forms for the 2013-2014 school year are now available on the OC Website. Please be sure to follow all instructions carefully. Fall Sports - Your physicals are due by Monday, August 5, 2013!

13 Sophomores of 2014 President Mary Beth Miller Vice President Bella Moreland Secretary Abbey LoBello Treasurer Athena Pyros Juniors of 2014 President Maria DeRenzo Vice President Marley Shovlin Secretary Cassidy McDonnell Treasurer Meredith Walker Seniors of 2014 President Patricia Sorg Vice President Katherine Mastandrea Secretary Gina Lucia Treasurer Shoko Kanemoto Class Officers 2013- 2014

14 Congratulations to Maria Navarro, who represented the Oakland Catholic Forensics team over the past weekend at the Catholic Nationals Tournament in Philadelphia. Maria competed in 4 rounds and averaged results of 2nd - 4th place in each round. Great job Maria!

15 Junior Taylor McCorkle finished 4th in the 100 meter dash and 4th in the 200 meter dash at the PIAA State Track Championships on Saturday at Shippensburg State University. Congratulations Taylor on your tremendous accomplishment.

16 Summer Volunteer Program Apply online at To kick off a fun and rewarding summer volunteer experience at Marian Manor in Green Tree, Vincentian deMarilac in Stanton Heights, and Vincentian Home in McCandless.


18 RISING SENIOR CLASS OF 2014 Please visit the College Room in the Guidance Office to view books and articles on the college search. There are many view books from various colleges, books on choosing college majors, tips on visiting campuses, and books on careers.

19 Exam Schedule Monday June 3 Tuesday June 4 Wednesday June 5 8:00 – 9:00Period 1Period 3Period 6 9:15 – 10:15Period 2Period 5Period 8 10:30 – 11:30Period 4Period 7Period 9

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