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Kerikeri High School Future Problem Solving 2010..

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1 Kerikeri High School Future Problem Solving 2010.

2 Congratulations on stepping out of your comfort zone to consider our Future. During the course of the year while teaching how to utilize an effective problem solving model we will lead students to consider the challenges and issues contained within complex social and scientific problems to be faced in the future or tackle existing problems in our own community. Welcome to Future Problem Solving 2010. "To dream and to plan, to be curious about the future and to wonder how much it can be influenced by our efforts are important aspects of being human.“ Dr E. Paul Torrance (The Founder of FPS.)

3 This award winning programme was founded in 1974 by Dr. E. Paul Torrance. Internationally renowned for his work in creativity and gifted education, he was a distinguished professor emeritus at the University of Georgia.

4 E.Paul Torrance’s Welcome letter to new coaches in 1995 Coach’s Guide


6 Our Aim: ‘Teaching students to think creatively about the future is the essence of the Future Problem Solving Program.’ - N.Z Future Problem Solving Coach’s Handbook 2000 “The mission of the Future Problem Solving Program is to design and promote positive futures using creative problem solving.” – Future Problem Solving Program’s Mission Statement

7 It is the vision of Kerikeri High School that through the coach’s facilitation of the Future Problem Solving Program the Key Competencies and Values of the New Zealand Curriculum will be modelled and developed. The Future Problem Solving Program... “encourages students to carry out in-depth research, to think creatively and critically, to apply ethical thinking skills and to work as part of a team” We teach students Future Problem Solving in order to assist them to : develop an active interest in the future develop creative thinking develop critical and analytical thought strengthen oral and written communication skills utilise an effective problem solving model develop research techniques work co-operatively in teams Considering the above criteria the program lends itself to creating opportunities to specifically develop the five Key Competencies and the Values of the New Zealand Curriculum.

8 Mike Clent - DP - Gifted and Talented Portfolio Rene Loggie – Kerikeri High School Future Problem Solving Coordinator Debbie Green – FPSNZ National Director Community Problem Solving (Funding dependent) N.Z Future Problem Solving Coach’s handbook Student course outline Student tips booklet Websites :, Add FPSNZ as a friend on Facebook Termly Research and Readings specific to topics Written evaluation of submitted booklets and scenarios Support for coaches:

9 How much does it cost to participate: Students are billed through the school accounting system for registration costs: (Parents are informed of costs and potential costs at the Parent Information Evening in Term 1) Booklet Competition $140.00 plus G.S.T. per team (4 students) Individual Competition $ 65.00 plus G.S.T. per student Stepping Stones Divisions $140.00 plus G.S.T. per team Scenario Writing $ 30.00 plus G.S.T. per student (1 submission) Scenario Writing $ 40.00 plus G.S.T. per student (2 submissions) Community Problem Solving $140.00 plus G.S.T. per team Individual CmPS $ 65.00 plus G.S.T. per student Parents pay costs for participation in National Finals as there is not enough time between the announcement of the finalists and the finals weekend to fundraise. Application is made to the Board of Trustees for permission to fundraise for the International Finals. Funding for teacher resources to be advised once funding application results are known.

10 Selection Process:Initial nomination is through:Self nominationPeer nominationParent requestTeacher nominationFinal selection is based on : ( From Term 2 students commit to program for the year)Kerikeri High School Criteria checklist (See attached ) Coach’s assessment (Robyn Boswell’s Selection Procedures available on NZFPS website) Student and parent / caregiver commitment ( See student commitment letter requirements in course outline) Student’s ability to cope with missed class work when withdrawn for FPS classes.

11 Future Problem Solving selection criteria list: Creative Thinking Skills/Strengths: - able to generate a wide range and number of ideas - clearly elaborates upon ideas (verbally or written) - shares original ideas or views ideas from an unusual perspective - displays a tolerance for ambiguity - enjoys intellectual playfulness - has a sense of fun Critical/ Analytical Skills/Strengths: - grasps concepts and new ideas quickly and easily - flexible use of ideas - ability to make connections and transfer learning - able to compare ideas (sometimes unconventional or original) - explores ideas in depth - clarifies evaluations and reflections - withholds judgment while investigating Group/Social Skills/Strengths: - is able to work with anyone and everyone - displays awareness of the value of the group - sensitivity regarding others strengths/weaknesses - is able to consider different viewpoints in depth - effectively contributes own skills/strengths

12 Due Dates for Booklets. Global Issues Junior, Middle, Senior and Individual Divisions Problem 1 - Tuesday 30th March - 4pm (Steps1 to 3 only) Problem 2 - Wednesday 30th June - 4pm Qualifying Problem - Wednesday 15th September - 4pm (Qualifying Problem Future Scene will be posted out on Monday 30th August) Community Problem Solving (Team & Individual) Interim Report - Friday 25th June Final Report - Monday 27th September Scenario Writing 1st submission (for students who are submitting two scenarios) Friday 25th June 2nd submission (for students who are submitting a competitive scenario only and those who are submitting two scenarios) - Monday 27th September Finals National Finals Friday 29th October - Sunday 31st October 2010 Henderson, Auckland Additional Future Problem Solving Dates: 24 February 5pm – Parent information evening 7 September P2 & 3 – Qualifying Booklet 14 September P2 & 3- Combined Dramatic Presentations with Kerikeri Primary School Shadow Coaching and Professional Development : Individual coaching and professional development to be arranged on a needs basis. Teams preferably need two hours coaching per week.

13 Future Problem Solving Research Permission : Computer Permission Library Future Problem Solving students are permitted to use class time for research purposes providing this form is completed and returned to the teacher whose class they are in at the time. Time spent on research: Topic researched: Term 1 – Sensory Overload Term 2 – Invasive Species Term 3 – Children in Need National Finals – Food Distribution International Finals – Green Living Brief summary of research findings: To be written on back of this form. (Research should relate to the class you are attending at the time. If you are in Science then the FPS research that you carry out should relate to the term’s topic and science eg. In term one you would then research a scientific aspect of Sensory Overload ) Teacher’s signature: ___________________________

14 Kerikeri High School Future Problem Solving Coaches: Year 7: Rene Loggie Year 8: Sandra Leaming Year 9: Tania De Klerk Year 10: Madeleine Ware Year 11: Rene Loggie Individual Booklet Writers (All levels): Rene Loggie Community Problem Solving: Kim Rogers, Trudi Ruffiner, Tania Peters-Heihei Scenario Writing: Maddy Haydock, Annette Johnston, Faye Robertson

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