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Public Rhetoric and Practical Communication Composing with a Purpose Lecture 5: CAT 125 Elizabeth Losh

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Presentation on theme: "Public Rhetoric and Practical Communication Composing with a Purpose Lecture 5: CAT 125 Elizabeth Losh"— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Rhetoric and Practical Communication Composing with a Purpose Lecture 5: CAT 125 Elizabeth Losh

2 Composing with a Purpose Choosing an Approach!

3 Is Changing Someone’s Mind Always a Reasonable Goal? Peter Coleman Sam Gregory

4 Basic Questions What is the message? Who is behind the message? Who is the audience for the message? What is the message intended to accomplish?

5 What is the message? The Macy Conferences 1946-1953 Interdisciplinary discussions of new areas of research Systems theory, cybernetics, cognitive science, and Gestalt psychology

6 What is the message? Signal and Noise in a Communication Channel Claude Shannon

7 What is the message? How do we define information? The relationship between information and entropy The relationship between information and uncertainty C-H-O-_ C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-_

8 What is the message? I cnduo't bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Aaznmig, huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghhuot slelinpg was ipmorantt! See if yuor fdreins can raed tihs too.

9 What is the message? Roman Jakobson

10 Phatic Communication Bronisław Malinowski "The problem of meaning in primitive languages" (1923) Communication without significance that only creates or maintains social ties

11 Who is behind the message? (Lecture 3)

12 Who is behind the message? Who is Dylan Avery?

13 Who is behind the message? Who are you?

14 Who is the audience for the message? (Lecture 4)

15 What is the message intended to accomplish? (Lecture 5) Edward Bernays Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923), Propaganda (1928), Public Relations (1945), The Engineering of Consent (1955) Walter Lippman Public Opinion (1922) Clem Whitaker and Leone Baxter

16 Strategy 1: Social Media Public Diplomacy Social Marketing Institutional Branding Risk Communication

17 Why was change needed? Persuasion is different from deliberation There is a conflict of interest when the government is both a regulator and a content-creator The public deserves more transparency not less The era of mass communication was changing

18 Strategy 2: Print & Broadcast Media

19 How can messages accomplish things? J.L. Austin – Speech Act Theory Performative utterances don’t just describe the world or comment on the world... They change the world

20 Locutionary Acts with Consequences beyond the verbal, syntactic, and semantic aspects of a meaningful utterance “Don’t go into the water.” A warning intended to scare “Would you like to borrow my bootleg Clash tapes?” An offer intended to impress

21 John Searle Illocutionary Acts assertives = speech acts that commit a speaker to the truth of the expressed proposition, e.g. reciting a creed directives = speech acts that are to cause the hearer to take a particular action, e.g. requests, commands and advice commissives = speech acts that commit a speaker to some future action, e.g. promises and oaths expressives = speech acts that express the speaker's attitudes and emotions towards the proposition, e.g. congratulations, excuses and thanks declarations = speech acts that change the reality in accord with the proposition of the declaration, e.g. baptisms, pronouncing someone guilty or pronouncing someone husband and wife

22 J. L. Austin Perlocutionary Acts Individual or group psychology rather than social or legal validation “Saying something will often, or even normally, produce certain consequential effects upon the feelings, thoughts, or actions of the audience, or of the speaker, or of other persons: and it may be done with the design, intention, or purpose of producing them.”


24 Writing with Purpose The Parking Scenario A. Write a letter to the editor B. Write an e-mail to the chancellor C. Create a Facebook page D. Write a press release announcing a protest event E. Create a poster presentation with data from a research study

25 The True Function of TVs at UCSD

26 More Evidence, Less Testimony Diebold Voting Machine Flips Votes

27 More Testimony, Less Evidence United Breaks Guitars

28 Writing with Purpose Northwestern Journalism Students

29 What if you are highlighting experimental artwork?

30 What if you aren’t?

31 What if you don’t have a lot of experience composing with a purpose?

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