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D ATA T EAM M EETINGS October 11, 2012 K-2: Cindy VanEtten and Tanya Eckert (Library) 3-5: Catie Reeve and Jim Abrams (Teacher Center)

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Presentation on theme: "D ATA T EAM M EETINGS October 11, 2012 K-2: Cindy VanEtten and Tanya Eckert (Library) 3-5: Catie Reeve and Jim Abrams (Teacher Center)"— Presentation transcript:

1 D ATA T EAM M EETINGS October 11, 2012 K-2: Cindy VanEtten and Tanya Eckert (Library) 3-5: Catie Reeve and Jim Abrams (Teacher Center)

2 SERVICES We are fully implementing all tiers of RtI for the first time. Congratulations! Thank you for your participation in Data Team Meetings last week. It made the process much more meaningful. All RtI services (Tiers I, II and III) officially begin on Monday, October 15 th. Progress monitoring begins on Friday, October 19 th. A core data team member will set up your caseloads in AIMSWeb and set the goals for your students.

3 R T I L ETTERS TO PARENTS RtI letters will be sent home to parents on Friday, October 12. Due to feedback from parents at Open House, we will be sending home letters to students receiving Tier I services as well as Tiers II and III. \\Groton-el\creeve$\RtI\Tier I parent letter.doc \\Groton-el\creeve$\RtI\Tier II and III parent letter.doc To reduce confusion, a copy of the RtI Framework for each grade level will be sent home with the letters. \\Groton-el\creeve$\RtI\RtI+model+4-5.docx Please do not hesitate to direct parent questions or concerns to Catie Reeve.

4 P ROGRESS MONITORING DATES TIER I - Every other week- Classroom Teacher Oct. 19th Nov. 2 nd Nov. 16 th Nov. 30th Dec. 14th Jan. 4 th Jan. 18 th TIERS II & III - Weekly- RtI Provider

5 INTERVENTION LOGS \\Groton-el\creeve$\RtI\intervention log 2.docx Specific Area of Intervention: Comprehension, Vocabulary, Fluency, Phonics, Decoding, Phonemic Awareness Target Intervention to be Implemented: Intervention Menus, FCRR, Reading Rockets, etc.FCRRReading Rockets Intervention Start Date: October 15, 2012 Frequency and Duration: How many times per week and for how long? Progress Monitoring Information: AIMSWeb Notes: Weekly anecdotal notes- How is the student responding to the intervention? What are you noticing? Strengths/Weaknesses? Intervention Logs will be turned in after six weeks when progress monitoring data is analyzed.


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