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Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) Ing. Vladimír Benko SAŽP.

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Presentation on theme: "Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) Ing. Vladimír Benko SAŽP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) Ing. Vladimír Benko SAŽP

2 Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 6. EAP Go4 DG ENV EEAJRC EKEurostat D á t o v é c e n t r á ŽP a zdravie Prírodné zdroje a odpady Politiky Klimatické zmeny Príroda a biodiverzita Ovzdušie Klimatické zmeny Voda Biodiverzita Krajina Pôda Chem.látky Lesy Hluk INSPIRE Odpady Materiálové zdroje

3 Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 SEIS GMES INSPIRE EÚ SIVS NKIVS 2007 - 13 KRIS národná rezortná Stratégia EEA 2009 - 13 SEIS IP 2007 - 8 2007 - 13 EIS

4 Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 ENVIROPORTÁL centrálny prístupový bod IS prierezové IS na podporu skupín zákonov IS organizácií Registre, štandardy a číselníky ENVIROINFO metaúdaje EISEIS MDPT MZ MP MH MŠ MF MPSVR ŠÚ MVRR MK MO MV MZV životnéhoživotného prosrrodiaprosrrodia Ministerstvo Infraštruktúra ÚGKK

5 Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 SK interest to participate on SEIS IP in 2008: 1. Priority Data Flow, 2. Reportnet enhancements, 3. IMS+ and CSI – common information base, 4. SERIS upgrade, 10. WISE data service, 12. Effectivness of waste policies, 13. SEIS Country Visits, 14. Interlinkages SEIS – GMES – INSPIRE + metainformation 16. Water assessment + …… the floor is open

6 Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 SK expectations to SEIS: Clear political message from EU level on SEIS and interlinkages to GMES and INSPIRE To improve accessibility to european level of country comparable information, trends and common services More clarity to licensing conditions with accent to free access Reportnet as the central reporting tool for countries and for access to reports from other countries (feedback!) “Wider” and “More actual” ROD in Reportnet, also for non periodic reporting

7 Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 SK expectations to SEIS: Support to countries by transposition of INSPIRE Dir.and by Implementation Rules Clarity to structure of Data Centers with impact to interoperability To inform about planned services and access conditions in advance Support to Water IS in SK and transfer of know-how and experiencies from WISE Cooperation on Flood Early Warning System development

8 Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 SK expectations to SEIS: additional expectations to write into country report to address to within 15.1.2008 !!!

9 Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 SK recomendation to SEIS: by integrated assessment take into account also problematic of geology and activities in this field

10 Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 Best practicies in methods of work in SK: Vision,InterlinkagesSystem of work Clear concept with Vision, Interlinkages and System of work e.g. : To build new systems using existing stones after modification and to preserve continuity and orientation on users To implement new technological possibilities To communicate with stakeholders and users Benefit must be on both sides !!! Orientation on wide internet access of groups of users Standardisation and using of Dictionary (GEMET) Solutions open enough !!! To take into account interest of users – Statistic of access

11 Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 Best practicies in SK – cont.: Enviroportal as central access point with free internet access, incl.News, archive of articles and news, thematic oriented discussion fora and planned internet transmission with env.thematic EnviroInfo as the basic free standardised metainformation source on internet SK Reportnet as national country specific tool for reporting as part of EEA Reportnet Bulding of ISs combining datasets with spatial information Mapserver shared by many ISs

12 Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 Best practicies in decision making support in SK: Support for decision makers and for public to participate on decision making process (EIA/SEA, IPPC, SEVESO, …) Various forms of visualisation of all types of State of Env. Reports

13 Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 Best practicies in public awareness in SK: Envirofilm as 13-years tradition of international competition of film makers on env. Themes with filmarchive free of charge Sorted Environmental Videolibrary for public awareness, education and relax Galery of Green World as result of International Competition of childerns drawing on env. Themes Set of developed programmes Atlas of Slovakia online (cca 800 GIS layers) Enviromagazin with the right mix special and popular access by providing env.information to be usable from long term perspective

14 Bratislava, 27. novembra 2007 Ďakujem za pozornosť

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