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Physical and Chemical Properties. General Properties: All matter has: 1.Mass: how much matter is in an object (like counting how many atoms are there)

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Presentation on theme: "Physical and Chemical Properties. General Properties: All matter has: 1.Mass: how much matter is in an object (like counting how many atoms are there)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical and Chemical Properties

2 General Properties: All matter has: 1.Mass: how much matter is in an object (like counting how many atoms are there) 2.Volume: how much space an object occupies or takes up



5 Properties which are unique to a particular kind of matter used to help identify one piece of matter from another

6 Every pure substance has a unique density Density = “love ” D = m v

7 Describe the color

8 How well heat transfers How well electricity transfers

9 What shape are the crystals?

10 How well does it stretch and return to its original shape?

11 Certain substances produce different colors when burned

12 Scratch test to tell hardness

13 Does it break easily?

14 Can it be pulled into wire?

15 Can it be flattened into sheets?

16 Is it shiny or dull?

17 Can the atoms be lined up and attract objects?

18 Describe it: “sweet, sour, rotten egg…NOT “bad, good”…

19 Bitter? Sour? Sweet? Salty? No taste?

20 Is it an acid or a base? How strong?

21 Melting point: temperature that substance turns to solid Boiling Point: turns to gas


23 Can it dissolve in water? If so, how much will dissolve?

24 Rough? Smooth? “Bumpy”?

25 How well does light shine through it?

26 Physical Property Characteristics that are observed without changing the substance into another substance Observations: Qualitative: no numbers to describe (color, texture, odor, etc.) Quantitative: describe using numbers (temperature, density, mass, volume, etc.)

27 Physical Changes Any change that alters (changes) the form or appearance of matter but does not change the matter into a new substance (SOME) Clues to Physical change: bending crushing breaking chopping Freezing Melting Boiling tearing (Phase changes)

28 Chemical Properties Describes the ability of a substance to change into other substances Must put substances together to find their chemical properties NOT reacting is a chemical property − Zinc used to make steel “stainless” − Water, not gasoline, to put out fires!

29 Chemical change Process that changes a substance into a new substance with new and different properties A Chemical reaction Bonds are broken and new bonds are formed Bond: force that holds atoms together

30 Clues to a chemical change: changes in properties Color change (permanent) Gases produced (yeast cells in sugar, vinegar and baking soda, burning paper) Heat or light given off (matches burning) One or more new substances formed

31 Demonstration Describe the physical properties of each substance Label Describe Separatel y Combined (CHEMICAL PROPERTY) Combined (CHEMICAL PROPERTY) ABCDABCD 1. A and C 2. A and D 3. B and C 4. B and D

32 Physical vs. Chemical

33 United Learning video:United Learning video A review of physical properties

34 Physical property or chemical property? White Hydrogen and oxygen make water Dissolves in water

35 Physical or chemical?

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