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Antonia M. Villarruel PhD, RN, FAAN Associate Dean for Research and Global Affairs Professor & Nola J. Pender Collegiate Chair University of Michigan.

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Presentation on theme: "Antonia M. Villarruel PhD, RN, FAAN Associate Dean for Research and Global Affairs Professor & Nola J. Pender Collegiate Chair University of Michigan."— Presentation transcript:


2 Antonia M. Villarruel PhD, RN, FAAN Associate Dean for Research and Global Affairs Professor & Nola J. Pender Collegiate Chair University of Michigan

3 The Issue  High rates of unplanned pregnancies and STD’s  Low rates of condom use  Limited effective sexual risk reduction interventions for Latino youth

4 The Program 1.Incorporates the theme ¡Cuídate!— 2.Emphasizes core Latino cultural values. 3.Increases positive attitudes, beliefs, and self-efficacy regarding safer sex behaviors. 4.Builds problem solving, negotiation, refusal, and condom use skills. 5.Highly participatory, interactive small groups.

5 Key Outcomes  Behavioral Outcomes  Less likely to report sexual intercourse, multiple partners, and days of unprotected sexual intercourse  More likely to report using condoms consistently  Cost-benefit ratio: $1:$2.50

6 Opportunities and Challenges  Dissemination, scale up, sustainability infrastructures  CDC - DHAP/DRH/DSH – Diffusion of Evidence Based Interventions  Office of Adolescent Health, HHS  Select Media  Quality control, coordination, feedback  Trainers, facilitators, adaptations

7 Policy Implications  Emphasis on use of EBP by communities  Limited funding priorities for youth and prevention  Need to address POLICY and policy  Funding priorities and approaches  School boards

8 Leadership Implications  Create synergy with translation targets (public, practitioners, policy makers)  Find and cherish your “champions”  Opportunities to lead and support  Tailoring messages for diverse audiences


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