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Sustainable Agrarian Management Studies for Uzbekistan SAMUz 544180-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Agrarian Management Studies for Uzbekistan SAMUz 544180-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Agrarian Management Studies for Uzbekistan SAMUz 544180-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR

2 Participation in Kick-off meeting at Giessen University, Germany, March 2014

3 Wider Objective of project: Promoting relevance and quality of agricultural higher education in Uzbekistan by i) reacting to the changed needs of the labour market after transition, ii) becoming adaptive to globally changing conditions and the necessity of sustainable development, and iii) delivering ecologically and economically sustainable agrarian management studies at farm, sector and political level. As a consequence contribution to improvement of rural welfare in Uzbekistan.

4 Specific Project Objective/s: A modernised and Bologna aligned three level higher education system in the area of farm management and agricultural economics through i) adjusted and newly developed curricula on BA and MA level and a newly created PhD school, ii) improved teaching competences and materials, iii) enhanced university-business cooperation, and iv) implemented quality assurance policies and procedures according to European Quality Standards at all Uzbek Agricultural Universities by the end of the project.

5 Intermediate results Name of Bachelor’s direction 5420100- Farm management changed to 5420100- Management in agriculture. Within this project approved modernized curriculum and State Educational Standards for Bachelor’s degree.

6 Preparing and translation STATE STANDARDS OF UZBEKISTAN The state educational standards Continuous education of Uzbekistan The state educational standard Higher education REQUIREMENTS To the necessary maintenance and level of readiness of the bachelor in a direction 5420100 - Management in agriculture The official edition

7 6 participants from AAI in Teacher’s training at TSAU, 21-26 July, 2014

8 Within this project purchased modern equipment for 1 practical lesson’s room for Bachelor’s and 1 special equipped room for Masters and PhD level in August, 2014. There are active using in educational processes 16 computers, 4 laptops, 2 LCD projectors, 1 printer and 1 digital camera with total sum 21138 €

9 Articles: «EVROPA STANDARTLARIGA INTILIB» 13.01.2014 standartlariga-intilib.html «Tempus SAMUz loyihasi: dastlabki uchrashuv» 5.04.2014. samuz-loyihasi-dastlabki-uchrashuv.html standartlariga-intilib.html samuz-loyihasi-dastlabki-uchrashuv.html



12 4 participants from AAI in Teacher’s training at TIIM, 16-21 February, 2015

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