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Parts of Speech Continued Ms. Brooks Continued Ms. Brooks.

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1 Parts of Speech Continued Ms. Brooks Continued Ms. Brooks

2 The Adverb / An ________ is a word that ___________ a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

3 The Adverb / What is another word for ________?

4 Other Words for Modify: / Change / Describe / Change / Describe

5 Example Sentences: / Reporters ________ gather the news. / The route is ________ long. / Our newspaper carrier delivers the paper ________ early. / Reporters ________ gather the news. / The route is ________ long. / Our newspaper carrier delivers the paper ________ early.

6 The Adverb / An Adverb answers the following questions: Where? How often? To what extent? ______? How ______? How? How ______? / An Adverb answers the following questions: Where? How often? To what extent? ______? How ______? How? How ______?

7 Example Sentences: / Please put the package ________. / I will call you __________. / _________ I shut my door. / She __________ reads science fiction novels. / Please put the package ________. / I will call you __________. / _________ I shut my door. / She __________ reads science fiction novels.

8 The Adverb / Turn to your neighbor and think of some other adverbs. Take 1 minute to write some down.

9 Examples: / Here / Soon / Never / Always / Frequently / Really / Most / Here / Soon / Never / Always / Frequently / Really / Most

10 The Preposition / A ________ is a word that shows the __________ between a noun or a pronoun and some other word in a ___________.

11 Example Sentences: / Your math book is __________ your coat. / The one __________ us honked his horn. / Tony sits ________ Heather. / Your math book is __________ your coat. / The one __________ us honked his horn. / Tony sits ________ Heather.

12 / Turn to a different person and try to come up with some other prepositions. You have 1 minute.

13 Examples: / To / For / Before / About / With / By / Down / To / For / Before / About / With / By / Down

14 Prepositional Phrases / A __________ is always followed by at least one ________ or ________. This noun or pronoun is called the object of the __________. The preposition, its object, and the object’s modifiers make up a prepositional __________.

15 Example Sentences: / He poured sauce over the pizza. / The pile of dry leaves had grown larger. / The flea collar is for cats and dogs. / He poured sauce over the pizza. / The pile of dry leaves had grown larger. / The flea collar is for cats and dogs.

16 The Conjunction / A __________ is a word that ______ words or groups of words.

17 The Conjunction: Coordinating Conjunctions / Yet / And / But / For / Nor / Or / So / Yet / And / But / For / Nor / Or / So

18 Example Phrases: / go for a walk or read a book / after breakfast but before lunch / cooking dinner and fixing breakfast / go for a walk or read a book / after breakfast but before lunch / cooking dinner and fixing breakfast

19 The Interjection / An __________ is a word used to express _________.

20 Example Sentences: / ______! I knew you were hiding there. / ______! I punched in the wrong numbers. / ______, let’s just stay home. / ______, what do you think? / ______! I knew you were hiding there. / ______! I punched in the wrong numbers. / ______, let’s just stay home. / ______, what do you think?

21 Common Interjections / Aha / Alas / ________ / Yikes / ________ / Hey / Aha / Alas / ________ / Yikes / ________ / Hey

22 The Position of Adverbs: / ________ may appear at various places in a ___________. Adverbs may come before, ______, or between the words they ________.

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