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Making Hampshire a better place for children and young people where all of them, including those who are vulnerable and/or disadvantaged, have the best.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Hampshire a better place for children and young people where all of them, including those who are vulnerable and/or disadvantaged, have the best."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Hampshire a better place for children and young people where all of them, including those who are vulnerable and/or disadvantaged, have the best possible start in life and are supported by the whole community to reach their potential. ELEMENTS OF WRITING L2 – L5 Text Structure and Organisation Aspects

2 Aims of each session  To provide you with an opportunity for supportive, professional dialogue with colleagues;  To develop a further understanding of the element of writing in focus;  To leave with one or two new activities, ideas or approaches to try in class;  To realise that you are not alone! Nb All of tonight’s materials are available on the English Moodle:

3 The relative relation of Writing AFs

4 NC Level Descriptors - Writing Level 2 Ideas are developed in a sequence of sentences, sometimes demarcated by capital letters and full stops. Level 3 Pupils' writing is often organised, imaginative and clear. Sequences of sentences extend ideas logically and words are chosen for variety and interest. Level 4 Pupils' writing in a range of forms is lively and thoughtful. Ideas are often sustained and developed in interesting ways and organised appropriately for the purpose of the reader. Level 5 Pupils' writing is varied and interesting, conveying meaning clearly in a range of forms for different readers, using a more formal style where appropriate. Simple and complex sentences are organised into paragraphs.

5 Text Structure and Organisation Activity  How many genres can you name?  How do they differ... in Purpose? in Audience? in Layout?  How might this affect the planning?

6 Text-types - Narrative Traditional tales Historical fiction Fairy Tales Fables Science Fiction Mystery Contemporary fiction Myths Adventure Fantasy Dilemma stories Dialogue – plays, comics and film Legends

7 Non-Fiction Recount Non- chronological report Persuasion Discussion Instruction Explanation

8 Achievement within AF3 and AF4 Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5 AF3  Ideas organised in a basic way with openings and/or closings sometimes signalled  Some basic sequencing used  Ideas in sections grouped by content  Some attempt to organise ideas with openings and closings usually signalled  Some attempt to sequence material logically  Movement between paragraphs/sections sometimes abrupt or disjointed  Some internal structure within sections with some links made between sentences  Ideas organised by clustering related points or by time with fitting openings and closings  Ideas generally logically organised but direction of writing not always clear  Some simple links between paragraphs made  Paragraphs/sections help to organise content with a limited range of connections between sentences used  Ideas are clearly structured into appropriate paragraphs with material effectively managed  Direction of text supported by clear links between paragraphs  Links between paragraphs/sections generally maintained across whole text  Paragraphs clearly structure main ideas and support purpose with a range of devices to support cohesion within them Strand 10 AF4 What is the key thing that will support children to be able to write effectively organised texts? Being able to plan effectively


10 Getting Writing Right – Non-Fiction  Instructions  Recount  Non-Chronological Report (Taken from Sue Palmer’s Big Books)

11 Getting Writing Right – Non-Fiction  Discussion  Explanation  Persuasion (Taken from Sue Palmer’s Big Books)

12 Teaching Planning Key Skills and Knowledge for Children  Using/devising a planning format that mirrors the text structure – PAL and PEE  Using bullet points;  Writing in note form;  Using diagrams to save time;  Expanding on notes in written work.

13 Text Structure and Organisation  Children must be able to:  Organise their thoughts  Develop their ideas  Be aware of the purpose for their writing  Be aware of the audience of their writing  More able writers (L4-L5) can achieve these with increasing control.

14 Getting Writing Right – Non-Fiction Key Skills and Knowledge for Teachers  Need to know the structure and organisation of the writing genre;  Ability to ‘deconstruct’ the text:  Organisation;  Language;  Knowledge for the Writer;  Need to be clear about what the children need to know next before you teach it.

15 The role of Speaking and Listening  Drama and Roleplay  Talk for Writing  Writer Talk  Oral rehearsal  Boxing Up  Tell me more here...?

16 Reading as a Writer  'Reading as a writer' is most helpful when focused on the purpose and audience of a piece of writing; understanding what response the writer wishes to elicit in the reader and how he/she achieves this. It will often correctly consider choices made at word and sentence level, although these always need to be seen in their text-level context.  This leads to...

17 Writing as a Reader  'Writing as a reader' involves applying the same understanding when making choices about planning, creating and improving one's own writing; understanding what response you, as a writer, wish to elicit in the reader and how you can achieve this.

18 Reading as a Writer – Text Structure and Organisation  How has the author organised their writing?  Why do you think that they put this section first?  How do we manage to find out so much about...?  What has the author used to make it easier for us to find our way around the text?

19 Supporting Non-Fiction Text Planning  Use Talk for Writing:  ‘Story’ telling and ‘mapping’;  Boxing Up of quality texts; What would our persuasive paragraph look like when boxed up?  Imitation of key phrases, sentence starters and types; What would you want to model to your children?

20 Persuasive writing Spiders are born with an instinct for weaving webs. Spiders are the most amazing creatures. They are born with an innate instinct for weaving the most delicate and intricate webs, which can be admired in most gardens. In particular, they look stunning in the winter time, when the frost highlights their beautiful diamond structure and causes the webs to glisten and sparkle. They should be examined and admired by any human being.

21 Reading as a Writer – Text Structure and Organisation Consider:  Differentiation –If sharing ideas as a whole class, ‘more able’ groups/children share ideas last and don’t repeat?  How will children record their ideas?  Writing/Planning frames  Pictorial  Simple planning formats

22 Hybrid Texts  Children need to be able to apply word and sentence knowledge – e.g. How to be persuasive – within the structure and organisation of a specific genre – e.g. A playscript.  Use ‘site of instruction’ and ‘site of application’ to support children with this.

23 The role of Assessment for Learning  Working walls  AfL Strategies  Stepping stones to success  Self and peer assessment  Generating own success criteria  Desperate dialogue

24 Stepping Stones to Success I can.. I can... I can… To get here! I can…

25 Desperate Dialogue - after teaching Pupils scribble down all the concepts they recall Swap papers in pairs/small groups and teach back Compare each other’s tech sets and muse

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