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Fuel Poverty - The Challenge! National Insulation Association by Derek Lickorish Chair – Fuel Poverty Advisory Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Fuel Poverty - The Challenge! National Insulation Association by Derek Lickorish Chair – Fuel Poverty Advisory Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 dereklickorish@btinternet.com1 Fuel Poverty - The Challenge! National Insulation Association by Derek Lickorish Chair – Fuel Poverty Advisory Group

2 dereklickorish@btinternet.com2 Scale of the problem Fuel poverty, millions of households 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1996199820012002200320042005200620072008 millions of households 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 "real" fuel price, relative to 1996 UKEngland"Real" fuel prices

3 dereklickorish@btinternet.com3 What reduced the numbers?

4 dereklickorish@btinternet.com4 Where are the challenges? Non-gas areas c.4.1M, 30% fuel poor. No dual fuel deal. Inequitable tariffs Incomes Pre-payment meters Oil 60% and LPG 100% more than Gas. Tower Blocks Solid walls Grant issues Warm Front – Oil solutions

5 dereklickorish@btinternet.com5 Where should we focus? Tackle tower blocks & solid walls Air source heat pumps - Non gas areas Explore CESP opportunities Solid wall insulation grants Review grant maximum Smart meters Converge government projects Converge funding interests Holistic approach Fuel Poverty Levy, a social tariff Equitable tariffs - Ofgem

6 dereklickorish@btinternet.com6 Thank you

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