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Poetry By:Krystin Vickers.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry By:Krystin Vickers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry By:Krystin Vickers

2 Table of Contents Page 1: Quatrain Page 2: Free Verse Page 3: Limerick
Page 4: Cinquain Page 5: Haiku

3 Limerick The dog and the cat St. Patrick’s Day
A dog and cat meet at the beach The dog said do you want a peach Yes I do said the cat But please hold my hat Yes I will but that’s quite a reach St. Patrick’s Day There once a shamrock named Pat Who tripped and went splat She ripped her friend leaf And sobbed in her grief And ruined her favorite hat

4 Haiku Winter The old pond Winter is coming
We drink hot co-co all day long The snow starts falling The old pond Into the ancient pond A frog jumps Water’s sound

5 Cinquain Thanksgiving Spaghetti Giving, thanking
Fun,loving,remembering Time we are together Holidays Spaghetti Messy, spicy Slurping, sliding, falling Between my plate and mouth Delicious

6 Free Verse Great Wolf Lodge Topsy Turvy World
Fun ,great , and exciting An indoor water park Great food and treats I never want to leave Topsy Turvy World If the butterflies courted the bee And the owl was the porcupine If the churches were built in the sea And three times one was nine The world would be upside down

7 Quatrain Twinkle Twinkle little star Twinkle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky Summer I love the Summer It’s never a bummer But it’s too hot To stat in one spot

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