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Enterprise and Engagement A Case Study Geoff Carruth Business Development Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Enterprise and Engagement A Case Study Geoff Carruth Business Development Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enterprise and Engagement A Case Study Geoff Carruth Business Development Manager

2 Enterprise and Engagement Transfer of knowledge from an academic to an external organisation or business Can be commercial, generating income and research potential, OR Can be engagement, providing knowledge or expertise Should be connected to the Faculty strategy Ideally, should directly or indirectly lead to financial and/or activity increase for the Faculty and the UEA INVIGORATE – is an excellent example of how academic and enterprise interests can be developed together

3 Every year around 175 million working days are lost due to ill health, costing the UK economy £13.2 billion CBI 2008

4 Who are Invigorate? A team of healthcare professionals with specific work experience, academic expertise and research interests in the three key areas: Dr Rod Lambert, Ms Laura Biggart: Lifestyle and work-life balance Dr Barbara Richardson, Mr Jon Larner, Mrs Jo Geere: Musculoskeletal health Professor Sally Hartley: Communication

5 Invigorate focus Musculoskeletal health Habitual lifestyle behaviours Work-life balance Communication All of these are factors which have been shown to influence productivity and, where relevant, profitability Reducing absenteeism is a major factor in improving performance

6 Stage 3: Analysis Reporting Action plan Feedback Train a champion Dissemination Stage 1: Introduction Managers reflective Perceptions Possible health improvement actions Stage 2: Work pattern observation Interviews Focus group Self-report from employees Stage 4: Employee / employer workshop Resource pack Stage 5: Review Reflection Further steps Invigorate your business: the 5 stage health review process

7 Stage 1: Introduction Managers reflective Perceptions Possible health improvement actions Options: Implement health improvement actions without further input from Invigorate Invigorate seminars to management and/or staff Invigorate workshops for management and/or staff JET: evaluation, implementation and review of work health through joint participation with Invigorate Team Invigorate your business: the 5 stage health review process

8 Developing Invigorate Invigorate has developed over the last two years The purpose and focus have changed and developed Invigorate now has a product and identity It has taken some time to ensure that we have the resource and time to deliver the service The support of the Head of School and REE (UEA Consulting) have been essential elements Starting to approach the market, carrying out pilots Use learning from the pilots to refine the service Invigorate is now a key strategic element of AHP

9 What next? Complete the pilots and refine the service Establish contact people via UEA Consulting Create clear communication and finance channels with the School Establish enquiry and customer management systems Carry out local marketing, including materials, website, promotion via networks, advertising Continually refine and develop the service to match demand

10 Enterprise and Engagement A Case Study Geoff Carruth Business Development Manager

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