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“ Young People’s Positive Activities” Competitive Grant Process Alan Michell (Head of IYPSS) Shain Akhtar (Commissioning Lead for IYPSS) Dawn Myatt & Gurjit.

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Presentation on theme: "“ Young People’s Positive Activities” Competitive Grant Process Alan Michell (Head of IYPSS) Shain Akhtar (Commissioning Lead for IYPSS) Dawn Myatt & Gurjit."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ Young People’s Positive Activities” Competitive Grant Process Alan Michell (Head of IYPSS) Shain Akhtar (Commissioning Lead for IYPSS) Dawn Myatt & Gurjit Narwal (Commissioning Support /Resource Officer)

2 Purpose To give an update Resource Model based on Neighbourhood Management Areas Updates on Specification and Contents CAP’s Funding Review & Monitoring Process

3 Joint Planning & Commissioning Understand Plan Do Review

4 National Priorities for IYPSS Reduce the number of 16-18 year olds who are NEET Increase the proportion of YP participating in positive activities (LAA target), including engagement in democratic process Reducing proportion of YP misusing substances Reduce under 18 conceptions Reduce first time entrant to youth justice system Reduce number of homeless YP Increasing the proportion of young people aged 19 achieving level 2 and 3 qualifications.

5 Walsall IYPSS Commissioning Priorities Increase the number of young people in Employment, Education and Training (EET) Reduce the number of young people entering the youth justice system Reducing proportion of young people misusing substances Reduce teenage pregnancy, through preventative approaches

6 Update on Funding Streams Previous offers can be carried forward if they have been submitted, notify by email. Tick box to identify the funding stream that is being applied. Outcomes column identified which links to service priorities and CYP. 32

7 Formal partnership offers are not mandatory but are welcome. Any offer would be expected to take into account other services in their neighbourhood area to show how they work together No change to priorities for delivery Funding has been allocated on Neighbourhood management areas, still allowing for cross boundary working Funding 2010/11 reduced due to extension on existing contracts until end September. 33

8 Evaluation Criteria Evidence of effective partnerships working 20 Clear contribution to the CYP Priorities (and consideration to the CAP’(s) priorities) : 20 Track Record – Capacity and Capability to deliver - 20 Evidence of the involvement of young people in the development of the bid and future delivery Impact/Outputs and Outcomes – 20 Service Costs/Effectiveness and Efficiency - 20 34

9 Information on Programme Universal Offer :Core Service Youth 13 to 19 Years going up to 24 years with LDD :£250,868 Target Support:(PAYP) 8-18 years £165,096 One off grant support/activities £25,000 using existing priorities, same application process. 35

10 36 Neighbourhood Management Areas Population for Core Service Youth 13-19 yrs 3729 5640 2743 3378 4007 3802

11 37 Neighbourhood Management Areas Population for PAYP 8-18 years 6086 6136 6254 5409 4371 9159

12 38 Social Deprivation Indices 1 Neighbourhood Management Area Youth Offenders Teenage Mothers Free School Meals Non- achieved GCSE Grade A*-C NEETEthnicityTotal Streetly/ Pheasey/ Aldridge/ Walsall Wood 11.21%8.59%6.79%18.54%10.25%8.81%64.19 St Matthews/ Paddock/ Palfrey/Pleck 20.80%20.33%28.50%22.80%21.19%47.86%161.48 Darlaston/ Bentley14.16%14.49%13.08%13.18%12.05%11.77%78.73 Willenhall/ Short Heath14.31%10.67%11.63%11.16%13.32%11.40%72.49 Bloxwich/ Blakenall/ Birchills/ Leamore 27.65%31.45%31.94%17.82%30.46%14.69%154.01 Brownhills/ Pelsall/Rushall- Shelfield 11.87%14.47%8.06%16.50%12.73%5.47%69.10

13 39 Social Deprivation Indices 2 Start at a mean point of 60 (6 categories) which represents the status quo of 1.00 Social deprivation factor increases 0.5 for each point over 60 of the total figure on table 1, rounded up or down to the nearest whole number Neighbourhood Management Area Total figure 1 less Status quo Multiplied by 0.5 and rounded down to whole number Social Deprivation Weighting Streetly/Pheasey/ Aldridge/Walsall Wood64 – 60 = 4+21.02 St Matthews/Paddock/ Palfrey/Pleck161 – 60 = 101+501.50 Darlaston/Bentley79 – 60 = 19+91.09 Willenhall/Short Heath72 – 60 = 12+61.06 Bloxwich/Blakenall/ Birchills/Leamore154 – 60 = 94+471.47 Brownhills/Pelsall/ Rushall-Shelfield69 – 60 = 9+41.04

14 40 Neighbourhood Management Areas Social Deprivation Indices 1.04 1.02 1.50 1.47 1.06 1.09

15 41 ALLOCATION OF CORE YOUTH SERVICE FUNDING TO NEIGHBOURHOOD MANAGEMENT AREAS FUNDING AVAILABLE 1.10.2010 TO 31.3.2011 - £250,868 Neighbourhood Management Area 13-19 Population (A) Deprivation Index (B) Population Multiplied by Index (A) X (B) % Factored Population of Total (C) Budget Allocation (Total funding available X (C)) Streetly/Pheasey/ Aldridge/Walsall Wood3,8021.023878.0413.54%£33,968 St Matthews/Paddock/ Palfrey/Pleck4,0071.506010.50 20.98% £52,632 Darlaston/Bentley3,3781.093682.0212.85%£32,237 Willenhall/Short Heath2,7431.062907.5810.15%£25,463 Bloxwich/Blakenall/ Birchills/Leamore5,6401.478290.8028.94%£72,601 Brownhills/Pelsall/ Rushall-Shelfield3,7291.043878.1613.54%£33,967

16 42 Neighbourhood Management Areas Budget Allocations for Core Service Youth £33967 £33968 £72601 £52,632 £25463 £32237

17 43 ALLOCATION OF PAYP FUNDING TO NEIGHBOURHOOD MANAGEMENT AREAS FUNDING AVAILABLE 1.10.2010 TO 31.3.2011 - £165,096 Neighbourhood Management Area 13-19 Populatio n (A) Deprivatio n Index (B) Populatio n Multiplied by Index (A) X (B) % Factored Population of Total (C) Budget Allocation (Total funding available X (C)) Streetly/Pheasey/ Aldridge/Walsall Wood6,1361.026258.7213.62%£22,486 St Matthews/Paddock/ Palfrey/Pleck6,2541.509381.00 20.41% £33,696 Darlaston/Bentley5,4091.095895.8112.83%£21,182 Willenhall/Short Heath4,3711.064633.2610.08%£16,642 Bloxwich/Blakenall/ Birchills/Leamore9,1591.4713463.7329.29%£48,356 Brownhills/Pelsall/ Rushall-Shelfield6,0861.046329.4413.77%£22,734

18 44 Neighbourhood Management Areas Budget Allocations for PAYP £22734 £48356 £16642 £21182 £33696 £22486

19 45

20 Information on Programme Minimum project allocation £50,000 per annum Funding will be allocated based upon the needs of children & young people 46

21 Draft Competitive Grant Process Timeline Milestones Current providers confirm staff contracts to 30/09/2010 where relevant now Application forms issued 9 th April 2010 Deadline for the return of bids is 14 th May 2010 Application evaluation (including Young People) and notification by 17 th May 2010, provisional Project panel includes young people, 3 rd sector, and head of IYPSS.

22 Evaluation & Review Workshop for existing providers to introduce the new monitoring process from 1 st April 2010, starting from Quarter One 19 th April 2010 at 1pm at Aldridge Manor House Once contracts are awarded providers will be expected to attend a workshop on monitor and review process. 48

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