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What is We Act? We Act is a movement that empowers young people to become more active local, national, and global citizens. Students plan and carry out.

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2 What is We Act? We Act is a movement that empowers young people to become more active local, national, and global citizens. Students plan and carry out projects to make a meaningful difference in their community and the world. Video

3 We Day Day long event, featuring celebrities and motivational speakers, at the Xcel Center on Wednesday November 12 th. Meant to MOVITIVATE & INSPIRE! Youth coming together with the goal of making the world a better place Video We Day is not a one day event – it is part of a year long commitment to local and global service

4 We Can Be in the We Act Club? ANYONE! Leaders & Doers are needed! Student planned and lead – research/organize/lead. Others need to carry out responsibilities. Whatever time you are willing and able to give!

5 Who Goes to We Day? There is a limited number of tickets that our school received – 25 (less than last year). Individuals will be chosen through an application process. It will be based on leadership and participation in Youth Service

6 What are the expectations of those that attend We Day? A strong desire to be part of the team to plan and implement a local and global project. A full commitment to the We Act Club and the planning, implementation and participation of the year-long projects. Bring back the enthusiasm from We Day to motivate and inspire the rest of the Club and BHS to participate!

7 What does We Day cost? $0 -The ticket and transportation are FREE! Bring a bag lunch It is a school day – it will be an excused absence, but you will be responsible to make up all missed work.

8 How do I apply? Complete the application and turn it with by October 8 th (sooner is fine). Turn forms into Mrs. Phillips at Youth Services in the IMC or have it put in her mail box in the office Give a reference page to two teachers (or one teacher and one other adult) – have them return directly to Mrs. Phillips.

9 We Club Meetings Every Wednesday 7:25 to 7:55 Check the Website – Activities & Clubs / We Act Group will SOON be updated! Sign up for reminders Remind - text reminders – Text “weactclub” to 763-260-8505

10 ProjectIdeas? Last year Hope 4 Youth & Soles for Souls Bring Ideas to the next meeting “We Scare”

11 Other Youth Service Watch the Youth Services Website for Opportunities – Feed My Starving Children September 30 th – sign up at Youth Services or on the website Presidential Volunteer Award – all youth service counts Join PWAP (People With A Purpose) – Check the site for more information – Listen for the next meeting in announcements – Let Mrs. Phillips know you would like to get on the email list

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