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Front-end Product Training Program –Speed Dome. Table of Contents  Speed dome classification  Speed dome basic information  FAQ  Upgrade.

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Presentation on theme: "Front-end Product Training Program –Speed Dome. Table of Contents  Speed dome classification  Speed dome basic information  FAQ  Upgrade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Front-end Product Training Program –Speed Dome

2 Table of Contents  Speed dome classification  Speed dome basic information  FAQ  Upgrade

3 Speed dome Classification

4 Speed Dome Components Camera High speed PTZ Decoder Dome enclosure Fan Heater

5 Speed Dome Components Address, protocol dial switch button Main chip Main control board

6 Speed Dome Components Alarm Port Power socket User port Switch board Power board

7 Speed Dome Components Encode chip Network part Connect to the switch board Flash chip Davinci

8 Speed Dome Layout

9 After the rectify, the AC24V from the on-off voltage of U1 ( UCC3809 ) becomes the DC+12V , among which, the U2 ( TLP281-1 )、 U3 ( TLV431 ) is the key chip of the voltage auto control. +12V from U4 ( L7805 ) to VCC ( +5V ), VCC from U5 ( 76381-3.3V ) to +3.3V. U8 ( LM3S608 ) alarm control chip. Please burn the boot application and then upgrade the application via the COM. The speed dome RS485 connects to the RS232 of the PC is via the AMP socket and the U3 (184 chip) of the main board. FAQ

10 The alarm output control is from the 19/20- pin of the U8(LM3S608) to control the dynatron Q5/Q4, and then send to the JK1,JK3 of the U10 ( ULN2003 ) reverse relay. In normal status, the relay 4/13 and 6/11 is close. Then 4/13 and 8/9 are open. The short circuit cap of jump J13/J14 is in the 2/3/-pin. FAQ

11 +12V becomes +7V via U5 ( MP1411 ), and then becomes VCC via ( L7805 ) VCC , then becomes +3.3V via U14 ( AMC1117-3.3V ), then +3.3V becomes +3.3VA via L5 , +12V becomes +12VA and +12VA1 via L7 and L4 to go to the stepper. The reset is done by the U2 ( ASM705 ) chip.

12 FAQ The horizontal position uses the new component : Hall components -A1104-(SIP-3) , it uses the electromagnetic induction to test the horizontal test. The tilt stop is to slightly touch the on-off button (External, from J4 ). Stepper control : U11 ( LPC2365 ) needs to burn the application. The control application will be sent to the chip U9, U12 ( L6219DSA ) to drive the stepper via the U10 ( TLC7225C ) 4- channel D/A switch.

13 FAQ U7 ( MAX7456 ) is OSD chip , VCC is to provide the power , clock X3 ( 27MH ), the 8 to 11–pin is to communicate with the ARM , 22-pin is for the video input, 26-pin is for the video output,U13 ( OPA690) is for video output. The application can embed the OSD to video signal. You can check the U7 working status if the OSD is abnormal.

14 There is no respond after turn on the device. Please make sure there is no short circuit. Test +12V, VCC ( +5V ), +3.3V is OK or note. If there is a problem please fix the power board. Finally check the AMP connection is OK or not. FAQ

15 On-off button

16 FAQ The 485 signal is from the user port J9 ( power board ) to the main board for the U3 ( LBC184 ), and then to the U11 ( LPC2365 ). LED1 is the RS485 indicator light. The problem may be : 1 Can not upgrade the application. 2 Can not control the PTZ or can not go to the menu. The reason may be : 1 Address, protocol setup problem 2 U3 ( LBC184 ) working improperly or is malfunction 3 AMP connection problem

17 FAQ 184 is communication port

18 FAQ 1 、 Main board is no power: AMP or the electronic brush is abnormal. 2 、 Can not control the PTZ: U3 ( LBC184 ) chip is abnormal.Address, protocol or baud rate setup is error. 3 、 No character or abnormal: application is wrong, or U7 ( MAX7456 ) working is improper or malfunction.

19 FAQ Davinci main board : The video signal will be sent to the main chip ( U7 TMS320) to compress via the video A/D(U21 5150 ) chip. Then from the network card chip ( U5 RTL8201 ) to our PC. Network problem. Please make sure the Davinci board has booted up. Please check the voltage and the clock if it does not boot up properly. If it has booted up properly,please change the application. If there is a network problem when the board properly booted up, please check the IP address is OK or not. Please check the RTL8201(U5) if the IP is OK. Otherwise change the IP address (Please refer to the following information.)

20 FAQ How to change the IP when the network is error. You can change via the COM. Press the * when the device boots up. U-Boot 1.1.4 for DAHUA Davinci ;Version 3.0; modify by Sword;20071212 (Jan 13 2009 - 15:10:14) U-Boot code: 81080000 -> 81099694 BSS: -> 810B2E68 RAM Configuration: Bank #0: 80000000 64 MB Flash Manufacturer=AMD flash reset;add by SwordFlash: 16 MB In: serial Out: serial Err: serial ARM Clock :- 256MHz DDR Clock :- 162MHz CPU:DM6446 nARM Clock :- 297MHz Loading............DHBOOT# ***** Unknown command '*****' - try 'help' DHBOOT#

21 FAQ “ DHBOOT#” input command here. “setenv dh_keyboard 0 setenv appauto 0 save” Reboot and then input “netinit IP address subnet mask default gateway ” after you see #, input ii and click the return button. Please reboot and then input the following information. “setenv dh_keyboard 1 setenv appauto 1 save”

22 Upgrade Tool Power board application download cable USB Connection Cable Download Tool

23 Upgrade Tool Main board download cable Download Tool (LPT) Download Tool Switch Cable

24 Upgrade Tool LM3S608 alarm output chip in the power board is to burn the applications. Please use the tool power board application download cable to burn the Boot application. And then use the 232 to 485 tool to burn the main applications. There is no alarm if there is no main applications. LPC2365 on the main control board is the key control chip. The Boot application can use the tool or the on-line download tool to burn. The on-line burn is to use the main board download cable to burn the Boot application and then uses the 232 to 485 switcher to burn the main applications via the RS485. You can not control the PTZ if there is no application in the LPC2365. For the Davinci board, you can use the burner to burn the Boot application to the Flash and then jointing to the board to upgrade via the TFTP. You can not see the network video if there is no application.

25 Upgrade Tool LPC2365 on- line burn port LM3S608 on- line burn port

26 Thank you !

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