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10 th ASSISES JEUNES & MEDITERRANEE 30 th March – 4 th April 2009. Environment, Culture and Peace in the Mediterranean: Integrated coastal area management,

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Presentation on theme: "10 th ASSISES JEUNES & MEDITERRANEE 30 th March – 4 th April 2009. Environment, Culture and Peace in the Mediterranean: Integrated coastal area management,"— Presentation transcript:

1 10 th ASSISES JEUNES & MEDITERRANEE 30 th March – 4 th April 2009. Environment, Culture and Peace in the Mediterranean: Integrated coastal area management, eco-tourism, citizenship. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION CENTRE OF DRAPETSONA - GREECE


3 ADULTS’ EDUCATION GRUNDTVIG 2, LIFE LONG LEARNING, “sd coast” “Coastal Zone management: The case study of Drapetsona.” We would like to share our experience…

4 The study area was an industrial one, from 19th century besides the central port of Piraeus, which is under transformation of use of existing industrial facilities to recreation one. THE QUESTIONS What kind of management? What kind of transformation? SHOULD THE CITIZENS-STAKEHOLDERS PARTICIPATE IN DECISION MAKING? THAT IS WE ARE CALLED TO INVESTIGATE UNDER THIS PROGRAM “sd COAST”


6 What are the aims?  Active citizenship (participation in all stages).  Raising environmental awareness  Educating a target group of citizens about the sustainable development issues  Focus on the environmental, social and economical problems of a former industrial coastal area (Drapetsona)  Exchange of experiences, methods and good practices, in order to maintain the natural resources of coastal areas.

7 ΤΑRGET GROUP  Parents  Local community groups  Citizens living in coastal areas. HOW DO WE WORK? Our T. group is divided in three smaller teams 1.The research team will study the theoretical and legal frame of the project, also will collect the necessary data. 2. The questionnaire's team will product, distribute, collect and evaluate the outcomes of the question- naire in cooperation with the research team. 3. The artistic team will paint, sculpture, collect historical photographs of the case study area and will organize exhibitions.

8 Prospective Conclusions Clarification of the present situation of the area concerning the former fertilizers industry complex. (former Hellenic Chemical Products and Fertilizers Company Ltd -AEEHP and Fertilizers) Research on local community’s considerations and expectations. Policy suggestions for the sustainable development of the area.

9 MAIN ACTIVITIES planned  Bi/multilateral exchanges of staff.  Seminars/workshops.  Publication of studies/reports/books teaching material resulting from the project activities.  Dissemination of results in the local community.



12 Coastal Areas The seafront of ATTIKA (Athens-Piraeus)



15 By the end of 19 th century the intensive urbanization was the result of the industrial revolution under the main motivation of the economic development. Therefore, in the urban coastal zone of Attica there are houses, industries, oil plants, industries of energy production, military installations, ports and their infrastructures, Shipyards, marinas, athletic facilities, parks, protected areas, tourist facilities (restaurants, bars, cafeterias) etc

16 Municipality of Piraeus. The central port. ENVIRON. EDUCATION CENTRE OF DRAPETSONA

17 Municipality of Drapetsona. Fertiliser’s factory Cement factory ENVIRON. EDUCATION CENTRE OF DRAPETSONA

18 The municipality of Drapetsona is situated in the west of the central port of Piraeus. Its vicinity with the port was the result of its industrial development. The area of Drapetsona was known since ancient times, but only at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th did the area begin to grow with the construction of the dry dock of Vasiliadis (1893), the fertilizers’ factory (1909), the cement factory (1911), the plaster factory (1920) etc. The sovereign elements of the Population of Drapetsona are the immigrants from Asia Minor and Pontus.

19 The case study area, which is under transformation is 640.000 m2

20 Fertilizer's factory

21 The Hellenic Chemical Products and Fertilizers Company Ltd (AEEHP and Fertilizers) was built in 1909 and spread in 250.000 m2. It was the first industry in Greece that produced fertilizers and products of glass, for internal and external trade. The factory developed for about 90 years. In the end of 1980 it fell into decline and finally closed in 1999. Most of the buildings of the factory were demolished and the whole area is under transformation with the aim to become from an industrial to a recreation one.

22 The future seems doubtful… The strength of this area is the prospect of the transformation, which will create opportunities as well as threats. The weaknesses: The area was an industrial one for 100 years, which caused the degradation of the environment and the bad quality of life. The opportunities are the opening of the sea front to the citizens as well as their participation in making decision. The threats are the planning of the transformation according to market law. Which will be the model of management of this area ?

23 Ownerships 250.000 m2 National Bank of Greece 97.000 m2 The Piraeus port authority 123.000 m2 HERACLES GENERAL CEMENT CO 36.000 MOBIL OIL PLANT 47.000 m2 BP OIL PLANT 46.000 m2 Public Area (which citizens have the possibility to negotiate) 52.000 m2 ATHENS WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE COMPANY (EYDAP SA)

24 Transformation SCENARIOS  Metropolitan Park: maritime force and tradition of the Port of Piraeus  Maritime Office and Buildings, Conference Centers  Tourist Infrastructures, Marinas for the berth of sailing yachts  High class residences  Shopping malls  Centers of commercialized entertainment.  Museums

25 Alternative transformation suggestion  Construction of a recreation park, which will be an opening to the sea front (expropriation of the territory for reasons of public interest and in favor of the local society).  In order, for a citizen to enjoy a tolerable quality life within the limits of a city zone, 5-8 square meters of green per citizen are required. Nowadays, only 1,5 square meter of green correspond to each inhabitant in the city of Piraeus.



28 Which of these scenarios correspond to the citizens expectations?

29 Beyond any doubt, let’s be optimistic for the future. AND You are all invited to enjoy our attractive beaches in Attica and all over Greece.


31 Presentation: Anna Savvopoulou Co-director of KPED Coordinator of GR2 Website: Tel. : +30 210 4624627 Email:

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