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LaProf: Language Learning for Professionals in ICT and Agriculture The ELSTI and LaProf projects have been carried out with the support of the European.

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Presentation on theme: "LaProf: Language Learning for Professionals in ICT and Agriculture The ELSTI and LaProf projects have been carried out with the support of the European."— Presentation transcript:

1 LaProf: Language Learning for Professionals in ICT and Agriculture The ELSTI and LaProf projects have been carried out with the support of the European community. The content of the project does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community or the Romanian National Agency for Community Programmes in the Field of Education and Vocational Training, nor does it involve any responsibility on their part. Lilianna Aniola-Jedrzejek (1),Cintia Colibaba (2), Stefan Tudose-Sandu-Ville (2) (1)- Poznan University of Technology, Poland (2)- University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi, Romania

2 What? to develop, publish online, and provide free access to language learning exercises that will help the immigrating workforce of two particular sectors (ICT education and agriculture) to get more familiarized with the terminology used in their destination countries for their sectors. Why? strong need for further language learning initiatives that enables immigrating workers to learn the language and terminology that is required for them in order to professionally function and adapt in the new country;

3 How? By… studying the language competencies and learning needs of the two targeted user groups developing a pedagogic strategy to embed the solutions in the immigration preparation process and embedding the acquisition of cultural competencies in the language learning process;

4 By… designing a language learning framework for basic guidelines and directions on how/what the targeted users should learn by a blended learning approach

5 By… designing and implementing a number of LaProf language learning exercises that will help targeted users learn the terminology of their sectors

6 By… promoting the LaProf language learning material and methods to relevant communities, as well as formulating a set of policy recommendations

7 Target groups young/unemployed teachers of ICT and technology topics from the Baltics, who wish to work in Finland. young/unemployed agricultural professionals from Romania, who wish to work in Greece.

8 Needs analysis 200 questionnaires on language learning, level of English, online or classic tutoring applied to students, master students and PhDs of the Agricultural University in Iasi workshops on modern vs traditional ways of learning and specific terminology of the agricultural domain

9 Products and outcomes an online environment ( to easily search, identify, retrieve and use language learning exercises in a digital format.

10 Products and outcomes an online tool through which all producers of digital resources on language learning will be able to upload their resources, describe them with appropriate metadata in English and in their languages;

11 Products and outcomes at least 20 learning exercises that will be translated/adapted to five EU languages (English, French, Romanian, Hungarian, Estonian) and in Russian, accessible online through the LaProf Web portal;

12 Products and outcomes a focused dissemination event (European Workshop) that will aim to bring together LaProf with other relevant initiatives, in order to exchange experiences and discuss their results

13 Products and outcomes a network of interested people and/or institutions will be formulated through an appropriately designed Partner Affiliation Program, to create a structure that will further sustain and use the project results.

14 For further information, please contact Cezar Vrinceanu at: Thank you !

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