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Emerging Industrial Society in West Chapter 23 pgs. 512-536.

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1 Emerging Industrial Society in West Chapter 23 pgs. 512-536

2 Themes & Context The Enlightenment led to three developments that make Europe a global power during the long 19 th century: revolution, industrialization, & imperialism. The shift from agrarian and handicraft economies to industry and machine manufacturing was propelled by agricultural productivity, greater specialization urbanization, the rise of fossil fuels, steam power, iron, and the factory system. Virtually every society was forced to react to the West as new technology spurred greater global contact than ever before

3 Age of Revolutions 1775-1850 Age of revolution caused by 3 major forces 1.Cultural changes of Enlightenment 2.Population revolution Created increased competition for power & wealth, leading to new class struggles 3.Commercial change w/ proto-industrialization New wealth of middle-class challenges aristocracy Increased manufacturing & market relationships among working class Forces of Change

4 American Revolution Causes: British interference Increased commerce → reduced social equality Declaration of Independence Formalized rebellion won w/ perseverance & aid from French Results Enlightenment inspired constitution w/ checks & balances, guarantees of liberties, widespread voting

5 French Revolution French crisis in 1789 → restructuring of Europe Causes: common forces + ineffective gov & economic slump 1 st step: Louis XVI bends to new middle-class majority Declaration of Rights of Man & storming of Bastille Peasants seize manorial records & lands New constitution = limited monarchy, limited democracy, established liberties 1 of 2

6 French Revolution 2 nd step: Robespierre & radicals push revolution forward Near civil war breaks out w/ increased aristocratic & church opposition → Reign of Terror Centralizes gov but fails to win widespread support 3 rd step: Napoleon adds authoritarianism & expansion Limits expression, but promotes religious freedom, equality, education Spreads revolutionary ideals throughout Europe 2 of 2

7 Revolutionary Legacy The establishment responds at Vienna Conservatism = opposed change Used territorial realignments to stabilize Europe Political movements to challenge conservatives Liberalism = limited gov, representation, freedoms Radicalism, Socialism, Nationalism Continued revolution & reform in Greece, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, Britain, & U.S.

8 “Liberty Leading the People” -a romantic view of nationalism & the 1830 revolution in France

9 Industry & Revolution - 1848 Industrialization added pressure for social reform, nationalism, & revolution EX – Chartist Movement Revolutions of 1848 largely failures BUT…serfdom abolished, transportation reduced famine, industrial classes based on wealth replace feudal classes

10 Consolidating Industrial Order 1850-1914 Cultural changes Birth rates drop → children = emotional satisfaction Women’s moral roles emphasized Health changes Pasteur discovers germs → d eath rates plummet Commercial changes Rise of corporations & labor unions Peasants improve efficiency & focus on cash crops Adjustments of Industrial Life

11 Political Trends & New Nations After 1850, major issues of revolutionary period resolved w/ compromise Most of West = parliamentary democracy, basic freedoms Nationalism increasingly a force Cavour consolidates Italy Bismarck consolidates Germany

12 New Government Functions Functions & power of gov expand Expanded bureaucracy → gov regulation Development of welfare programs Social issues central - new movements Socialism (Karl Marx): added tough-minded revolution to class struggle Becomes key minority political force in Europe Feminism (Pankhurst)

13 Cultural Transformations _ Consumption grows to meet pace of production Marketing & advertising emphasize “need” for products Mass leisure culture Newspapers, theater, movies, vacations all boom Sports: big business, but reflects values Consumption & leisure reflect new secularism Emphasis on Pleasure

14 New Science & Art Science advances rationalism due to prosperity & education Darwin & evolution Einstein & physics Freud & social sciences Art experiences opposite trends, turning toward emotion & away from rationalism Romanticism Western culture lacked the ease & congruence of its appearance


16 Western Settler Societies _ Industrialization fueled W. Europe’s expansion Economically: need for colonies, new markets, raw materials Militarily: new steamships, rifles, machine guns Demographically: population growth leads to massive emigration Settler societies play key role in extending Western patterns

17 The U.S. Prior to Civil War, U.S. was not significant Exports less profitable than Latin America Efforts focused on internal development Post-Civil War sees U.S. become global player Industrialization & westward expansion leads to economic success, exporting food to Europe Still, U.S. diplomatically, artistically, & intellectually seemed dependent on Europe, only gaining ground at end of period

18 Canada, Australia, New Zealand Commonalities: part of British empire, given limited self-gov to prevent revolution, greater economic & cultural dependence than U.S. Canada: French history prevents unity Australia: founded as penal colony, economy based on sheep & gold New Zealand: difficulties w/ Maori, economy based on sheep

19 Diplomatic Tensions & WWI _ Imperialist expansion & rise of Germany threaten balance of power in Europe Alliance system grows to protect national interests Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Triple Entente: Britain, France, Russia Balkan nationalism fuels conflict & rivalry Conflict result of political divisions, using nationalism to quiet protest, military buildup WWI starts, capping period of long 19 th century


21 Global Connections _ Imperialism & industrialization pushed European interests to all corners of globe Global force like no previous civilization Revolutionary ideals spread too – often used in response to European force

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