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Marine Mammals. Classification: Class Mammalia  Order Pinnepedia  Seals, sea lions, walrus  Order Carnivora  Sea Otter, Polar Bear  Order Sirenia.

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Mammals. Classification: Class Mammalia  Order Pinnepedia  Seals, sea lions, walrus  Order Carnivora  Sea Otter, Polar Bear  Order Sirenia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Mammals

2 Classification: Class Mammalia  Order Pinnepedia  Seals, sea lions, walrus  Order Carnivora  Sea Otter, Polar Bear  Order Sirenia  Manatees  Order Cetacea  Suborder Mysticeti (Baleen Whales)  Suborder Odontoceti (Toothed Whales)


4 Hawaiian Monk Seal  Feeding Feeding  Additional Video Additional Video  1000 monk seals left  Critically endangered

5 Swimming Adaptations  Streamlined Body  Blowhole on top of their head  Thick blubber to keep warm

6 Diving Adaptations  Oxygen  90% oxygen is exchanged, compared to 20% humans  Blood  More blood  Higher concentration of red blood cells  Muscles can store more oxygen

7 Additional diving adaptations  Reduce oxygen consumption  Bradycardia - Slow heart rate  Peripheral Vasoconstriction - Reduce blood flow to non-essential extremities  Prevent nitrogen dissolving in the blood  Lungs collapse and flexible rib cage

8 Sensory Adaptation - Echolocation  Most toothed whales  “nature’s sonar”  Emit sound waves, listen, analyze the time, determine how far the object is  Melon – focuses and directs sound waves  Jawbones (filled with fat) trasmits sound to inner ear

9 Behavioral Adaptations  Social groups  Communicate with vocalizations, postures, movements  Humpback Whale Songs Humpback Whale Songs

10 Human Interaction  Education  Research  Therapy  Help with fishing

11  BYCATCH in Nets  23% of total fisheries catch around the world is discarded  20 million tons of unwanted catch being thrown back  Over 300,000 cetaceans killed this way each year

12 Tuna Nets  Eastern Tropical Pacific  Spotted/Spinner dolphins are close to yellowfin tuna  Used to track  Use Purse Seine net  Encircle, traumatize, entangle, kill

13 Humpback Whale  6,000 humpbacks in the N. Pacific  Leave Alaska in the Fall  Breed in Hawaii  Leave in February/March to feed in Alaska in the summer

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