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IGIC CAD/GIS Integration Workgroup Update Michael Condre, GISP.

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Presentation on theme: "IGIC CAD/GIS Integration Workgroup Update Michael Condre, GISP."— Presentation transcript:

1 IGIC CAD/GIS Integration Workgroup Update Michael Condre, GISP

2 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships CAD/GIS Integration Workgroup  Members:  Charlene Avey  Perry Cloyd  Mike Condre  Mike Cranfill  Chelly Gracy  Nate Hunt  Steve Leatherman  Jennifer McMillan  Eric Meyer  Tim Smith  David Surina  Theresa Thompson  Jayson Troughton  Jason Tuck  Leane Kmetz  Joyce West  Robert N. Wilkinson  Phil Worrall 

3 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships CAD/GIS Integration Workgroup The Workgroup is developing a set of  data standards,  database templates,  and policy documents to support existing best-practices, integrated with commonly-used software, to facilitate private industry and local government data exchange.

4 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships CAD/GIS Integration Workgroup Use of these templates will streamline the electronic exchange of CAD-based engineering design data submitted to local governments for direct integration into a local government's GIS.

5 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships CAD/GIS Integration Workgroup  The definitions are stored in an XML file format, which also requires a CAD template file (DWT) to hold layer and block definitions. These files can be used to efficiently and effectively transfer the standard both internally between users and task sessions, as well as to external agencies and vendors for digital submittals.

6 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships CAD/GIS Integration Workgroup Next Steps:  XML generation – done!  CAD Templates – done!  Instructional documents / downloadable web content – in progress  Road Show / publication - coming  Your Feedback, ongoing improvements and Success Stories  Thanks!

7 Cadastral, Boundaries, PLSS Workgroup Grid Points State-wide Naming Convention Renaming Software Tie Cards – Surveyor Tie Card Layer County Boundary Polygon Layer County Boundary Point and Line Layers Federal Government Land Office (GLO) Records Lorraine Wright, Geologist, & GISP Engineering and GIS Section Science Services Branch Office of Land Quality Indiana Department of Environmental Management IGIC Cadastral, Boundaries, PLSS Workgroup Chair

8 Developed State-wide Naming Convention Grid Point File Naming Convention (approximate section corner and section division corners ) –IN02_T23NR06E03_08 –State Name and Principal Meridian – IN02 –Township Number – T23 –Township Direction – N –Range Number – R06 –Range Direction – E –Section – 03 –Grid Number – 08 (Grid numbering system begins with 00 in upper left hand of section and ends in 80, bottom left corner) Grid Points and Naming Convention

9 Renaming Software for Tie Card Project – Creates database in the background

10 Marion Co. Grid Point Layer

11 Wayne Co. Surveyor Tie Card Layer

12 Newton MarionWayne Bartholomew Jennings The Surveyor Tie Card layer is located on the IndianaMap (five counties completed) Surveyor Tie Card Layer

13 Disclaimer: Most of the counties (in color) showed interest in participating in the project during 2007 or earlier. Some of the counties polled may not have the same County Surveyor in office that was there in 2007 or earlier. A new poll should be conducted since the data is outdated and because there is a new mechanism available that allows easier data sharing than the method used in 2007. Counties Interested and Participating in the Tie Card Project Tie Card Project

14 County Boundary Polygon Layer Indiana Geological Survey - is updating IndianaMap layers: -Landsurvey Section -Landsurvey Township -County Boundary -State Boundary Next phase is to use County legal descriptions to identify corners and lines that make up the County polygon

15 County Boundary Lines - correlate legal description line with section line layer County Boundary Points - correlate the legal corners that define the County Boundary with the Grid Points

16 County legal description used to determine which Grid Pts and section lines (IGS) will be used Hancock Co. Selected Sections Use legal description to identify Grid Pts and section line (IGS) segments Lorraine Wright, June 3, 2010 Marion Co. Hancock Co. County Boundary Point and Line GIS layers IGS – Indiana Geological Survey

17 Government Land Office (GLO) Records Government Land Office Records (Original) – County: Notes and Plats – State: Notes and Plats – Federal: Notes and Plats Link GLO Records to Township Polygon Layer

18 Government Land Office Records - County - Marion County T15N, R3E

19 Grid Points – new points added: - Marion Grid Point layer – 324 - Wayne Grid Point layer – 173 Surveyor Tie Card Layer on IndianaMap - Added Marion and Wayne Counties (total of 5 counties) Revised Boundary Layers nearly complete - State - County - Landsurvey_Township - Landsurvey_Section County Boundary legal descriptions - Compiled Approximately 50 - One County Boundary Point and Line File Summary

20 Cadastral, Boundaries, PLSS Workgroup –Comments and suggestions welcome For more information contact: Lorraine Wright Indiana Department of Environmental Management (317) 234-0618 IGIC website: Workgroup website:

21 Streets & Address Workgroup Update Charline Avey, Chair

22 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Goals Develop data standards and identify appropriate standards-based data schema. Develop plans that include the following:  Inventory of existing data  Stakeholder data requirements  Data stewards  Costs  Work flow

23 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Goals Data transfer mechanisms (with support of Data Integration Workgroup)  Update frequency  Maintenance frequency Refine and maintain plans as necessary. Develop metrics and review status of framework data implementation as input to the biennial report published by the State Geographic Information Officer.

24 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships 2009 tasks Review Final FGDC Standards  Review New Postal Address Profile  Review New FGDC to NENA QA/QC review of Indiana Map County data deliveries now up to 83 of 85 Explore the feasibility and methodology of "Crowd Sourced” Map Update

25 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships "Crowd Sourced” Map Update OpenStreetMap - Google - ESRI Online es/ es/

26 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships QA/QC review Develop quality Control criteria for Indiana Map contribution Develop repair recommendations/ and or tools Post point address ranges to centerlines and review

27 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships The Comparison Parcels have no address component Street Centerline vs FGDC Point Addresses vs FGDC

28 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Street Centerlines Data sharing requested additions  COUNTY_LEFT  COUNTY_RIGHT  CITY_LEFT  CITY_RIGHT  TOWNSHIP_LEFT  TOWNSHIP_RIGHT  TEMPLATE_TYPE  LIFECYCLESTATUS  OFFICIALSTATUS  USE_TYPE  ADDRESSQUALITYSTATUS

29 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Point Addresses Data sharing requested additions  FULL_STREET_NAME  TEMPLATE_TYPE  LIFECYCLESTATUS  OFFICIALSTATUS  USE_TYPE  ADDRESSQUALITYSTATUS

30 Coordination of Indiana GIS through dissemination of data and data products, education and outreach, adoption of standards, and building partnerships Next Steps 2011 Goal Complete QA/QC Review Identify potential users of cleaned data Help sources fill in the blanks

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