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By Josué A. Ruiz Rodriguez Wyatt Lugo Caballero.  What do you understand about Web tool?

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Presentation on theme: "By Josué A. Ruiz Rodriguez Wyatt Lugo Caballero.  What do you understand about Web tool?"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Josué A. Ruiz Rodriguez Wyatt Lugo Caballero

2  What do you understand about Web tool?

3   The Web 1.0 is a internet tool that the user read only, the user can not interact with the content of the page. Can’t write comments, answers, quotes, etc. Being entirely limited to information provided by the owner of the page. Web 1.0 Tool

4   Web 2.0 basically refers to the transition from static HTML pages (Web 1.0) to more dynamic web sites that are more organized and are based on web service applications to users. The user can not interact with the content of the page. Web 2.0

5  Web 1.0 ToolWeb 2.0 Tools A few content producers Users become producers of content Many readers of this content Collaborative Web Static pages Ability to publish the information and make changes to data without advanced technological knowledge The updating of web sites were not periodicallyFacilitate interactions Sites directional and non-collaborativeFacilitate publishing, research and web content delivery Users are consumers readersInformation in constant change Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 Characteristics

6   Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia. Wikipedia is written collaboratively by volunteers, allowing articles to be created, edited or deleted in different language by any user with access through a web browser. Topic: Wikipedia

7   Wikipedia provides a large group of translations into different languages including English. Provide the same information in different languages. It helps us to learn English because the user can choose the language he wants for information in this case the English. The encyclopedia provides a panel for select that translation. How Wikipedia helps us to learn English?

8  Language Selection Tool Use this column to select the language Document in Spanish

9  You can view the document in English Document in English

10  Thank You

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